
  1. nima66

    B4J Question How do I remove the border around the TextArea ?

    I have two questions : 1. Why is the text color inside the TextArea opaque and not of good quality compared to TextField and Label?! 2. How can I remove the blue border around the TextArea? (In TextField, the border around it was removed by changing the background color.)
  2. R

    Android Question Drawing outermost boundaries of set of squares

    In a map app I have a grid with tiles defined with tile numbers indicating the column and row (X and Y). I then have an irregular shape, consisting of a set of these tiles. I do have a list (or a map) of the edge tiles, so excluding the tiles that are not at the border of this shape. To give a...
  3. yo3ggx

    B4J Question Cannot set button border through CSS

    Hello, I'm using the following css file: .button { -fx-background-color: linear-gradient(#707070, #101010); -fx-border-radius: 10; -fx-background-radius: 10; -fx-text-fill: cyan; -fx-border-width: 2; -fx-faint-focus-color: cyan; -fx-focus-color: cyan; }...
  4. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS Label - CrossPlatform Label

    This is a simple label view, in IOS roundings are removed when resizing or colors are not displayed properly. This can be fixed by placing a panel under the label, this view does the work for you. Just set the properties you want in the designer like in a normal label. ASLabel Author: Alexander...
  5. S

    iOS Question Border not displaying for B4XImageView

    I can't seem to get the B4xImageView control to display a border. Is this something that can't be done. I am setting the border radius in both the Custom Properties area and the Border Properties of the designer. The image now has a corner radius but no border line. Regards, Simon.
  6. Lucas Siqueira

    Android Question [RESOLVED] Remove top of the panel edge

    Hello everyone! how can I make a border on a panel and then remove a top part of the border to put a label with a transparent background. note that the background color of the panel is transparent. I need the background to be transparent because there are screens for apps that contain gradients.
  7. Sagenut

    Other Wear OS Round Emulator Correct Frame Graphic

    This is just a minor aestethical correction. I made some modification to obtain the correct Round Wear OS Emulator Frame. It will not change your life, but could be useful to have a better graphic rendering of the app. Let me know if you notice something wrong. To apply the correction just copy...
  8. M

    iOS Question ScrollView content goes OUT of Scrollview

    hi everyone, i was using the scrollview but i don't know why if i load a layout in the scrollview, when i scroll it goes out of the scrollview D: scrlInfo.Panel.LoadLayout("info_layout") scrlInfo.SetShadow(Colors.Black, 0, 0, 0.2, False) scrlInfo.Visible = False scrlInfo.ContentHeight =...
  9. M

    iOS Question TextField change Border Color (by code)

    Hi everyone, it's possibile to change the parameter "Border Color" of an TextField by code? I have a TextField in RoundRectangle style, and i want to change the border color to red when it is required. I got done in designer but not by code
  10. M

    Android Question Using BitMapCreator to put a Border around a bmp

    Calling BitMapCreator Experts. I have a GrayScale Bitmap (see picture) of dimensions 199 x 262. I would like to (programmatically) put a border around it and save it (again) as a .bmp The border I put around it must cause the final combined bmp to ... a) have dimensions of Exactly 512 x...
  11. MegatenFreak

    B4J Question Giving the window border a fixed color

    Hi. I'm using Windows 8.1, and I notice that the color of the title bar and the borders around my forms change to match the theme of Windows. How can I prevent that and give them a fixed color? Thanks in advance.