
  1. B4J Question Cannot set button border through CSS

    Hello, I'm using the following css file: .button { -fx-background-color: linear-gradient(#707070, #101010); -fx-border-radius: 10; -fx-background-radius: 10; -fx-text-fill: cyan; -fx-border-width: 2; -fx-faint-focus-color: cyan; -fx-focus-color: cyan; }...
  2. B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS Label - CrossPlatform Label

    This is a simple label view, in IOS roundings are removed when resizing or colors are not displayed properly. This can be fixed by placing a panel under the label, this view does the work for you. Just set the properties you want in the designer like in a normal label. ASLabel Author: Alexander...
  3. S

    iOS Question Border not displaying for B4XImageView

    I can't seem to get the B4xImageView control to display a border. Is this something that can't be done. I am setting the border radius in both the Custom Properties area and the Border Properties of the designer. The image now has a corner radius but no border line. Regards, Simon.
  4. Android Question [RESOLVED] Remove top of the panel edge

    Hello everyone! how can I make a border on a panel and then remove a top part of the border to put a label with a transparent background. note that the background color of the panel is transparent. I need the background to be transparent because there are screens for apps that contain gradients.
  5. Other Wear OS Round Emulator Correct Frame Graphic

    This is just a minor aestethical correction. I made some modification to obtain the correct Round Wear OS Emulator Frame. It will not change your life, but could be useful to have a better graphic rendering of the app. Let me know if you notice something wrong. To apply the correction just copy...
  6. M

    iOS Question ScrollView content goes OUT of Scrollview

    hi everyone, i was using the scrollview but i don't know why if i load a layout in the scrollview, when i scroll it goes out of the scrollview D: scrlInfo.Panel.LoadLayout("info_layout") scrlInfo.SetShadow(Colors.Black, 0, 0, 0.2, False) scrlInfo.Visible = False scrlInfo.ContentHeight =...
  7. M

    iOS Question TextField change Border Color (by code)

    Hi everyone, it's possibile to change the parameter "Border Color" of an TextField by code? I have a TextField in RoundRectangle style, and i want to change the border color to red when it is required. I got done in designer but not by code
  8. M

    Android Question Using BitMapCreator to put a Border around a bmp

    Calling BitMapCreator Experts. I have a GrayScale Bitmap (see picture) of dimensions 199 x 262. I would like to (programmatically) put a border around it and save it (again) as a .bmp The border I put around it must cause the final combined bmp to ... a) have dimensions of Exactly 512 x...
  9. B4J Question Giving the window border a fixed color

    Hi. I'm using Windows 8.1, and I notice that the color of the title bar and the borders around my forms change to match the theme of Windows. How can I prevent that and give them a fixed color? Thanks in advance.
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