custom views

  1. james_sgp

    Android Question Totally Confused by 'Custom View' in CLV

    I have sent the last day reading and trying to get/set text into a AS_textfieldadvanced custom view I have in a xCLV. I have read the "b4x-how-to-get-custom-view-here-from-clv-or-any-other-container" post over and over...searched the forum and looked at code. But I really can not get my head...
  2. D

    Android Question Prelaunch report content labeling - B4XSwitch view

    Hi, Guys Before I start, please do feel free to comment it my method of dealing with this prelaunch report is not the best method! Anyway, I am having a problem relating to Google Play content labeling warnings in the prelaunch report. Normally I use the Accessibility library to handle this...
  3. jroriz

    B4J Question [SOLVED] String DesignerProperty with no default value

    I'm trying to deal with a custom field, which has a string property with no default value. #DesignerProperty: Key: Campo, DisplayName: Campo, FieldType: String, DefaultValue: In the DesignerCreateView sub I need to know if this property has been filled. Log(Props.Get("Campo") <> "")...
  4. Guenter Becker

    Android Question Custom/Native View Designer Properties

    Hello, hope you are fine. Today I have a question about developing a Custom View. For example if I like to make a custom view on base on an EditTextbox to enhance the native views features I know how to do that with the custom view xui class. But if I go to use the custom view in the designer...
  5. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANano] Creating BANano Custom Views with the BANano Custom View Creator WebApp

    Ola Download Why the BANano Custom View Creator? The beauty of BANano is that it enables one to use any front-end framework they want. This means that you can pick any framework like Bootstrap, VueJS, Pure, Bulma, Skeleton etc to use. Luckily, the Skeleton framework comes built in and I have...
  6. LWGShane

    Wish More CustomView Designer Properties

    1: #DesignerWidth and #DesignerHeight - Would allow us to set the default width and height of the "panel" that is created by the designer. 2: #DesignerAnchors - Would allow us to set the default anchors for our custom views.
  7. LucaMs

    Bug? Custom View

    I am no more able to create custom views (more precisely, I would be able to do it, it's the IDE that does not love me :p). I create a new project, create an "empty" custom view class, try to add this custom view to a (first) new layout but the CV is not available.