
  1. K

    B4J Code Snippet jPOI Get A Cells Text Property (Display Value)

    The code is the equivalent of the VBA .Text property of a cell. It's the value displayed to the user including formatting such as thousands separators,decimal places and currency. It requires the latest version the jPOI library that wraps Apache POI 4.00. Sub...
  2. M

    Android Question Excel Library

    Hi, I have a customer who wants an option to delete the last row in an excel worksheet, is there an easy way todo this? I could loop all rows and copy to another sheet but hoping there is an easier way (Remove/Delete/Uninitialise a Row)? Thank you
  3. E

    B4J Question Unicode Words diplays in Labels..

    Hi All, I am making a Quiz Game in which Questions taken from Excel sheet...& displays in two label in two language...One is english and another is my language Hindi... Using Jpoi library I read the excel sheet sucessfully but English is ok....Hindi fonts are not properly displyed...I...
  4. iordanis lazoudis

    B4J Code Snippet export Tableview to excel with jPOI

    This is my first code snippet, for exporting a tableview to an excel. ITs my first serious attempt to work with b4j after trying various tools for months. I am now certain i made the best choice to start working with b4j. After searching the forum i managed to put together this sub... no big...