
  1. Android Question Push notification without using Firebase

    Hello Telegram has stated in its FAQ section that: We currently have two types of notifications on Android: Google's Messaging cloud (GCM) and our own custom notification service that is independent of Google. Note that Google Notifications (GCM) may not work on some Android devices. Telegram...
  2. J

    Android Question Send an image using FCM. It's possible?

    Hello, I want to send an image using FCM. I get the image and encode it with Base64EncodeDecodeImage. The size is 8300000 bytes. If I compress it with GZipStrings the size is 6200000. Sending the message with FCM gives an error. Can an image be sent via FCM, or is there a message size...
  3. B4J Question Send FCM group notification to both Android and IOS

    Hello I've been using a B4J program to send FCM notifications to Android clients. We're now adding IOS support. Problem is, a notification formatted for android does not show on IOS ( lacks the additional json info) and viceversa (android does not like the additional fields) For now, we...
  4. Android Example Firebasemessaging (FCM): Receive messages in doze/sleep mode

    Issue: Device doesn't receive FCM messages while in sleep/doze mode Important to know: Google uses 2 different api's with different keywords So: https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send = legacy mode https://fcm.googleapis.com/v1/projects/myproject-b5ae1/messages:send =v1 More info's: FCM...
  5. Android Question Send Push Notification with Node.js

    Hello Everyone! I send push notification by Node.js it sent successfully and in b4a message successfully received! but message content is empty it's node.js code help me! @Erel @DonManfred
  6. Android Code Snippet FCM messages/notifications: Use Phonewakestate to throw notifications without delay

    I mentioned that my fcm messages arrive without delay (data messages), but throwing a notification (even with high priority) doesn't work all the time when the phone sleeps. Setting the phonewakestate before throwing the notification and releasing it after seems to work: pws.PartialLock...
  7. Android Question Delay in arrival on Android smartphone of fcm notifications sent from pc

    I am using fcm notifications from pc to android smartphone to bring an app to the foreground and set it to work I'm verifying that sending the notification does not always arrive on the phone quickly Sometimes it can take several minutes before the notification is received and the app reacts...
  8. D

    Android Question [SOLVED] Fcm messaging - how many char can be send on a single notify ?

    I follow this link to implements a pc to android communication via Fcm Fcm Tutorial The notification is sent from B4J program on pc, received from B4A Android app, and correctly recognized But when I send notifications with body length greater than a few hundred characters, the android app...
  9. job request for push notification demo b4a/b4i

    I need a working demo app to receive/send push notification (firebase or onesignal which i prefer) for b4a and b4i. i've the google firebase account and the apple developer account. i pay with paypal. please contact me if interested thank you
  10. A

    Android Question Firebase Cloud Messaging Push Notifications

    Hi all. My question is - does it have any limitation for a number of characters? Like SMS for example? Thanks
  11. M

    iOS Question Firebase messaging token - detect app uninstall

    Hi everyone.. i've a big problem, i must know if a user has uninstalled the app. I use firebase messaging to send push notification using a token. There is a way to know if a user has deleted the app? I read that maybe using the fact that the firebase token became invalid after a while... but i...
  12. B4R Question Firebase FCM not working with ESP32

    https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/firebase-push-messages-fcm.81025/#content I am using B4R 3.0, Esp8266 2.5.2, Esp32 1.0.4 Using this example on the Esp8266 works fine. On the Esp32 the HttpJob/ParseResult function is not called. The data returned from Firebase in...
  13. Android Question Problem with duplicate fcm message!

    Hello everyone! Problem with duplicate fcm message! I'm having problems with firebase cloud message, when I send message, I get two on mobile, one I sent and another as if it was automatic ... My version of b4a is the latest (9.50), FirebaseNotifications version is (1.21) ... On the firebase...
  14. A

    Android Question [Resolved] FCM - Android to send the push messages

    Hi All, I have been following Erel's tutorial for how to implement FCM and I have successfully push the message using the B4J example. I have searched the forum however I can not find a way to make the android itself publish the message, so my question, is this doable to make the android App...
  15. Android Tutorial FCM message workflow explained by Google

    See here: https://firebase.googleblog.com/2018/09/handle-fcm-messages-on-android.html?linkId=57036840 There are 3 types of messages you can send combined with your app's state (fore- or background). Android FCM services behave different depending on the message type: 1. Notifcation only As...
  16. Android Question Runs FCM push notifications your app?

    I tested using the projects posted in the library thread: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/firebasenotifications-push-messages-firebase-cloud-messaging-fcm.67716/ and if I stop my app by the device settings, it does not start when I send an FMC message (I used the b4j project attached...
  17. Spanish ¿Se puede hacer segmentación geográfica con Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)?

    Hola. He conocido recientemente que es posible hacer segmentación geográfica a la hora de enviar mensajes push. Es decir, decidir que un determinado mensaje push enviado solo lo reciban los clientes que se encuentren en determinada zona geográfica. He buscado en nuestros foros y en la info...
  18. B4J Question fcm not push through b4j

    Hi to all! I can receive notification (in b4a) through firebase notification console but I can't receive when it send through b4j. Here's my code: 'libraries: 'jCore(Version:6.00) 'jOkHttpUtils2_NONUI (Version 2.62) 'Json (Version 1.10) 'OkHttp (Version 1.20) 'Non-UI application (console /...
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