
  1. FrostCodes

    Other [B4X] Send Firebase Push Notifications with Node Js (2024)

    Many people have been asking how to send Firebase notifications using Node.js so I decided to create this example for sending notifications to B4A or B4I apps using Node.js: Features - Uses the latest Firebase Cloud Messaging (v1) API. - Works with both B4A and B4I. - Well-documented. -...
  2. walterf25

    B4J Question FireStore Rest API Help

    Hi everyone, I'm currently working on an ABMaterial web app and I am using this library (class) found here so far I have used this in a few other projects and I like it very much as it makes it simple to leverage the use of firestore sign in, sign up and firestore database functions. I am...
  3. walterf25

    B4J Question Verify Email on Mobile and continue session on web browser

    Hi everyone, not sure if I will be able to make sense when asking the following question. I am working on an ABMaterial web app and I am using a firestore AuthRest API library to register new users, sign in existing users etc. When a new user creates a new account, I am using the...
  4. N

    B4A > PHP in MVC > Google Firebase

    The project relates to a dental waiting room app written in B4A which receives Google firebase messages sent from PHP MVC code via a web user portal. The firebase code needs updating to V1 messaging, the app developer requires assistance updating the existing MVC PHP code such that it meets...
  5. NetChain

    Android Question Addressing Firebase Messages to Particular Users

    It might be a simple question, but what is the best practice to send messages addressed only to a particular user? I've successfully tested delivery Firebase messages to my phone. I've made a test sending program in B4J and an app in B4A and they both work. But I couldn't find any information...
  6. mohsen programmer

    Android Question Failure to recognize code module methods

    Hello I use the following code in Service_Create in my starter to send a notification with firebase: Sub Service_Create Try CallSubDelayed(FirebaseMessaging, "SubscribeToTopics") Catch End Try End Sub There are also functions in this service (starter). In these functions...
  7. Claude Obiri Amadu

    B4J Tutorial [B4X] FirebaseFirestore - Customer Support Chat Demo

    Here is a customer support chat demo of FirebaseFirestore for B4J It listens to Chats Chat Products Sales Customers You can further add notifications
  8. Claude Obiri Amadu

    B4A Library [B4X] FirebaseFirestore

    Good day & evening This is a Firestore Library I've been perfecting since late last year since most of my projects I use Firebase. I used Firebase REST APIs and made it Look, Feel & Work like the original. Does not conflict with other Firebase Libraries Works the same way as...
  9. Claude Obiri Amadu

    B4A Library FirebaseAdmin Library

    I learnt Java in the past few months to build this library to get real-time updates from Firestore. The Library has 5 classes: Firebase Firestore ListenerRegistration Query Filter Except RealtimeDatabase (Coming soon) firebase-adminsdk.json(Service account file) from your Firebase console in...
  10. S

    Android Question New Firebase Integration

    Hi, i want to integrate Firebase Messaging into my app.. I follow this tutorial But when app start i receive this message: java.lang.RuntimeException: Object should first be...
  11. carlos7000

    Spanish Como enviar datos a una App en un Android Tv?

    Hola Quiero compartir contenido, como textos, imágenes, videos, entre otros, con otro dispositivo, en este caso, un televisor con sistema operativo Android. Para comenzar, me gustaría empezar con algo simple, como el envío de un texto. Esta tarea la realizaré en una aplicación que se ejecutará...
  12. M

    Android Question Crashlytics not work

    Hello, I followed the instructions on this page ( to implement Crashlytics in my application, but I am not receiving any error reports on the Google console.
  13. Plutoam

    Bug? OkHttpUtils2 v3.02 Bug

    Hello, I am using the latest update of the OkhttpUtils2 library, which is version 3.02, in the FirebaseMessaging Receiver, some requests are not executed. It gives very strange errors Sometimes it even gives an error, but the request is executed and sent to the server And when the program is...
  14. M

    Android Question Add addreplacement by code

    Is there any way to add following code (regarding admob) by code in b4a?? (no manifest) AddReplacement($ADMOB_APP_ID$, ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713)
  15. joko0124

    Android Question Notify selected user from User ID

    Hi B4A Masters! Is it possible to notify user without logging into the app? If it is, can you teach me how? Thanks in advance!
  16. mehdi-moradpoor

    Android Question Firebase Messaging and ESET Security Mobile

    Hi guys i found a serious problem with Firebase Messaging Service (or Receiver). after install my app on my device , the ESET Security Mobile found a detection and unsafe application of my app !! Detection name : Android/SMSFlooder.Agent.EY (variant) after i checked my source codes , i...
  17. N

    Android Question Push notification from wordpress to Android e iOS using firebase

    Hi everyone, I would like to know if someone Knows how to make push notifications directly from WordPress to iOS and Android apps using firebase. How can integrate a solution like this one on b4i and b4a?
  18. Z

    Android Question Firebase RealTime Database tag name

    Hello, How can I control the tag of each input of the nosql database of firebase using B4a code: as example I need to change Tag name to "3000" instead of (-LUiRLRDm6WunRN01ohA) and...
  19. Oregon

    Listener для Firebase Realtime

    Доброго времени суток, уважаемые форумчане! Кто-нибудь может показать, как работать с Firebase Realtime Database? Удалось добиться записи в бд, а вот как прикрутить listener совсем не понятно. Спасибо
  20. SinaDeveloper

    Android Question Push notification without using Firebase

    Hello Telegram has stated in its FAQ section that: We currently have two types of notifications on Android: Google's Messaging cloud (GCM) and our own custom notification service that is independent of Google. Note that Google Notifications (GCM) may not work on some Android devices. Telegram...