
  1. Star-Dust

    iOS Code Snippet (B4i) FluidSlider [No Wrap]

    A few mseses ago I created a version entirely in B4A of the FluidSlide library based on the wrapper created by @moster67. Today I created a version for B4I Here is the B4A version. Here the @moster67 Wrap Here the original in Kotlin I have attached the source code
  2. Star-Dust

    Android Code Snippet (B4A)FluidSlider [No Wrap]

    A bit for challenge and a bit for fun with @moster67 I created a version entirely in B4A of the FluidSlide library. Find the wrapper created by @moster67 of the original library written in Kotlin here B4i version HERE Instead in this post you find a similar version made in B4A with its source...