
  1. J

    Android Question addview in CardView

    Hi, I have been having problems with Cardview for several years and I could not use Cardview in a standard and correct way. I have two questions about Cardview. Q1: if we change Top of view in CardView, that not work and always top start from 0. Q2: if we want to load a layout (ModelLayout)...
  2. Alexander Stolte

    iOS Code Snippet TextView - Set Padding This brings the left edge of the text to the left edge of the container: Dim no As NativeObject = tv_TextView no.RunMethod("textContainer",Null).SetField("lineFragmentPadding",0) This causes the top of the text to align with the top of the container: Dim no...
  3. M

    iOS Question Padding label

    How to add padding to a label in b4i? In this link, many way to add padding to a label. adding space padding to a uilabel But how to use this ways? For example: let UIEI = UIEdgeInsets(top: 60, left: 20, bottom: 20, right: 24) // as desired override var intrinsicContentSize:CGSize {...
  4. epiCode

    Android Question B4XFloatTextField padding & RTL

    I'm using B4XFloatTextField and having few concerns 1. Padding on right side hides X and Tick symbols 2. When Arabic/Urdu/Persian text is entered in text field it moves the text on Right Side (which it should) but again the text is below X and Tick symbol (which should have ideally moved to...
  5. KMatle

    B4J Tutorial [B4x]Padding/depadding PKCS7/5 and other

    EDIT: If the message length is equal to the pad length, you have to pad to the next multiple. E.g. 16 bytes would be padded to 32 because one would not know how long the message was because the last byte defines the number of added (=padded) values. Here's another example to pad/depad data for...
  6. KMatle

    Android Code Snippet [B4x] Padding data (e.g. building blocks of a multiple of 16)

    For some solutions you need to pad data to a specific length (=blocksize or a multiple of x, like a multiple of 16 in AES). This snippet gets the next higher multiple of the padding. If your data is 5 bytes long, the blocksize would be 16, having 17 bytes it would be 32. Dim PadTo As Int = 16...
  7. walterf25

    iOS Question BBLabel Click Event

    Hi All, I decided to give BBLabel a try because i needed to be able to set the padding property, the BBLabel view works very nice for this need, however i realized that it doesn't handle the Click Event, is there a way to add that to this view, i really would like to stick to using this view...
  8. M

    Android Question stringfunctions2 pad

    it appears that the pad function is incorrect. the "for" line adds one too many characters. it should be (length - text.length - 1). or am i missing something? Sub Pad (Text As String, PadWith As String, Length As Int, Post As Boolean) As String 'Classic Private Str As String = ""...
  9. R

    Spanish [SOLUCIONADO] B4XTable - ¿Padding en Celdas?

    Muy buenas, este es mi primer POST, Creo que se entiende, Cuando alineo los Datos a la Izquierda (LEFT): Dim column0 As B4XTableColumn = tableName.GetColumn("NOMBRE") Dim pn0 As B4XView = column0.CellsLayouts.Get(0) pn0.GetView(0).SetTextAlignment("CENTER", "LEFT".ToUpperCase) Este caso el...
  10. mcqueccu

    Android Question BCTextEngine - how to use default system font and set padding

    1. The BBCodeview seems to be using lighter font than the system font when i run the example, and also used in my application. How do i set a custom font or stick to default system font? 2. Bug in padding - When i set padding left and right to the BBCodeView in designer, it crops off parts of...