For some solutions you need to pad data to a specific length (=blocksize or a multiple of x, like a multiple of 16 in AES). This snippet gets the next higher multiple of the padding. If your data is 5 bytes long, the blocksize would be 16, having 17 bytes it would be 32.
Dim PadTo As Int = 16 'Pad to lenght of xxx
Dim PaddedLength As Int
For i=1 To 256
If i Mod PadTo >0 Then 'don't pad if length = padding e.g. 16 mod 16 = 0, a length of 0 isn't relevant here = no data
PaddedLength = i-i Mod PadTo + PadTo
End If
Log("Original length: " & i & ", padded: " & PaddedLength)