raspberry pi

  1. Swissmade

    Share My Creation Keypress and CTRL-C Controle for Linux Raspberry PI Non-UI

    Many people I've read about have trouble fetching a key from the keyboard in a terminal. Normally, CTRL-C stops the terminal. In this case, we don't always get a clean shutdown of the application, which can cause issues. In my case, I use it to control a multi-track player with the MPG123 music...
  2. walterf25

    B4J Question HELP (plotting temperature profile chart)

    Hi Everyone, I'm working on a small project using ABMaterial and the frappe charts library found here, so far everything seems to be working fine for me. What I am doing is connecting to a Temperature Chamber through Ethernet and reading the temperature profiles already stored in the Temp...
  3. eugenedakin

    B4J Question Raspberry Pi libgpiod library

    Hello, I am evaluating the B4J tool for Windows, Raspberry Pi, and Android systems, and am quite impressed. My question with Raspberry Pi electronics, is the libgpiod supported? After searching the forum, I was not able to find information on the native libgpiod library. The WiringPi library...
  4. aminoacid

    B4J Tutorial Run B4J java and javafx UI Applications on Linux ARM32, ARM64 & Intel/AMD Computers and VPSs

    To run a B4J console or GUI Application on any 32-bit or 64-bit ARM computer, follow these steps: Have tested it on Raspberry Pi 4 and Orange Pi Zero 3, 2W running Ubuntu 21.04 and 22.04 respectively: [edit - Also works with 32-bit Raspberry Pi OS on RPI 3 - see @dave4cbu post below] [edit -...
  5. walterf25

    B4J Question MQTT Delay Time

    Hi Everyone, I am working on a project where I have a raspberry pi 4B where I have a b4j app running which communicates with a 32 channel Analog to Digital Converter we designed and built at work, the communication is via I2C protocol, this part works very well as far as I have been able to...
  6. German Buchmuller

    B4J Question Run GUI on Raspberry PI OS Lite (No Desktop)

    Hi. I need to run a UI B4j App in a Raspberry PI. If I install openjdk11 in the RPI with Raspberry PI OS Full (with desktop), the app runs fine. However, I am trying to run the app with Raspberry PI OS Lite (no desktop environment). bj4-bridge runs fine, but when I try to compile and run a UI...
  7. aeric

    Share My Creation Print Server (USB Thermal Receipt) running on Raspberry Pi

    This is a demo video of B4J Print Server which is a REST API Web Server. The server can run on Windows and Linux including on a Raspberry Pi OS. I have also created B4J, B4A and B4i Client app to send request to the server through GET and POST. The print data can contain ESC/POS string sent...
  8. DarkoT

    B4J Question B4J Packager11 and Raspberry Pi - problem with Release

    Hi guys... Need little help... I need to install GUI app on Raspberry Pi ver 4. I installed Bellsoft java 11 (which include javaFx modules). I want to use B4J packager11 for creating release app... Bridge working perfect, I can connect to raspberry - picture below: But - when i run B4J (with...
  9. rleiman

    Android Question Autoloading an app and bring it up on the screen automatically upon boot up

    Greetings everyone, We have the LineageOS KonstaKANG Android version 12 running on a Raspberry Pi and I developed a B4A app that displays a web site on the Raspberry Pi. The app works perfectly. It's kind of like a slide show that displays the web site and displays image files and cycles back...
  10. Noble

    B4J Question Remote RPi Survive Power Outage Reboot

    I have a couple RPi's running remotely. Seldom is there a reboot. When there is I have to reload the program using B4J. My question is How can I have the Raspberry Pi start with the bridge running and Load the last program that I loaded to it when it reboots. I have been using /etc/rc.local...
  11. I

    B4J Question Pi & Watchdog Timer

    Hi All, We are considering using a Raspberry Pi as an SBC for an industrial application. The device must run 24/7 at a remote location. When using embedded systems for critical applications, we usually enable a watchdog timer, so in case of a major application failure the embedded system...
  12. I

    B4J Question Raspberry Pi & cell modules

    Hi There, I am evaluating a project that may require the usage of Raspberry Pi and a cellular modem for wireless connectivity. I know that it is possible to control the module using AT commands etc..., but I was wondering if there is a way for the OS to handle the module instead of having the...
  13. Alex Oscar Hedman

    B4J Question Problem using "ckvs.put" using B4J on raspberry pi (SOLVED)

    Hello, im having the next problem when running an UI .jar on a raspberry pi 3. The problem appears at the end of the sub that im attaching next, when I ask for "ckvs.put". I dont know if its a problem of the ckvs or the IDE, but i tried everything! ? This is the problem on the command window...
  14. D

    Android Question No response from remote host

    Hello! I'm making an app that revolves around Android phone and Raspberry Pi 3 communication via WiFi (by UDP packets exchange). I'm running a python script on Raspberry Pi which sends some data to the Android phone, but only when it receives a request from the phone. My question is: Is there...
  15. Cableguy

    B4J Question [ABMaterial] Why tempjars has "root" as owner and not "pi"?

    I am finally starting to run some test some "under-dev" ABMaterial samples and each time I re-upload the files to the Raspberry pi, using SFTP, I see that "tempjars" owned by "root" and not by "pi"... so I get a "permission denied" alert! So when copying, at each "permission denied" alert, I...
  16. T

    Android Question Turning on Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi 3 running Android Things

    Hi All, I have installed Android Things in a Raspberry Pi 3 board. I am trying to use the BLE2 v1.37 library of B4A v8.80 on this device. I am getting the message "Not powered on." when I run the code below. If Manager.State <> Manager.STATE_POWERED_ON Then Log("Not powered on.") Else If...
  17. C

    B4J Question Cannot open display

    "Checked Item" Return value raspberryPI install https://wimdeblauwe.wordpress.com/2017/08/26/using-javafx-on-raspberry-pi-3-with-gluon/ why ??? Cannot open display Cannot create resource Use the XRDP remote link.No screen
  18. LWGShane

    B4J Question Raspberry Pi: Which Project Type?

    Which project type is the recommend project type for Raspberry Pi apps? Is it "UI" or Non-UI? I would think it's the Non-UI type since GUI's aren't supported by Raspberry Pi anymore.
  19. M

    B4J Question Using Raspberry Pi I2C with ADS1115 (Adafruit)

    Hello, I'm trying to communicate a raspberry pi 3 model B with ADS1115 through i2c communication, but it is not working. When I run an adafruit example in python, its works perfectly. Using and arduino Mega i can read what python example sends to ADS1115 and I tried to send the same commands...
  20. C

    B4J Code Snippet MCP9808 reading temperature

    Hello everyone, Here an example for using the MCP9808 sensor on a raspberry pi. This is only a code snippet, as it only read's the temperature. Not all the registers are implemented. Negative values aren't yet tested. This is a console application. Kind regards, Tim. *IMPORTANT UPDATE* The...