
  1. M

    Android Question Make not visible Place Autocomplete View

    Hi, everyone, im trying to use the Place Autocomplete View from Erel. I have the necessity to hide (or show) the view as i want by code, but the command: PlaceAutocompleteView.Visible = False doesn't exist... how can i solve this?
  2. M

    B4A Class Draggable View [Edited - Swipe Gesture]

    Hi everyone, this class is an edit of this class from Erel: I've done some changes to achieve an animated "Swipe gesture (left to right)" If you swipe all the way right to the trigger point, you can trigger an event...
  3. MarkusR

    Android Question add CustomView to Activity at runtime?

    hello, how can i add a custom view (it have the name ViewConsumer) to activity at runtime? Activity.AddView(View1 Consumer is a class with data. #Region Activity Attributes #FullScreen: False #IncludeTitle: True #End Region Sub Process_Globals 'These global variables will be...
  4. Star-Dust

    B4J Library SD: XUI_Design

    Goodmorning everyone, We have often discussed in this forum in different threads about the need to be able to insert XUI from design. We all know that the direction that is suggested by AnyWhere software is to create in the design the native views and then replace B4XView to the type...
  5. Alexander Stolte

    B4J Library [B4X] [XUI] AS Sliding Circles (Loadingview)

    Hey this is a little and simple Loading View, i was a little bit bored :D Have Fun
  6. P

    Android Question Incorrect layout view when changing screen orientation

    Hello experts! I use this string android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize" in the manifest to save data when I change the orientation of the screen. OK, the information is saved, but the layout view does not adapt to the new orientation, i.e. for example, the portrait view doesn't change to...
  7. C

    Android Question Returning from a Wait For function and getting BadTokenException error

    I am creating a form and then calling a function and getting the system to wait. I'm calling from the form and not a service like this: wait for (GlobalFunctions.ParseCycleCount(lJson,lSAPData)) Complete (Result As Boolean) If Result=True Then btnOK.enabled=True...
  8. rleiman

    Android Question [SOLVED] Views not scaling properly on LG K10 (2017).

    Hi Everyone, One of my customers sent me the attached screen shots showing my app views not scaling properly. His phone is the LG K10 (2017) model. I tested the app on several phones we own which are mostly Samsung. It scales well on the Samsung J7, S6, S7 Edge and S8. Can you tell me what I...
  9. Sandman

    iOS Question [SOLVED] What to cast views to, to get tag? (View class hierarchy)

    In B4A, it's possible to cast (almost) all views as a Label to get the tag, for instance. Doing so in B4I causes a crash. Can I cast iOS views to something else to easily get some common properties, such as the tag?
  10. A

    Android Question Delete view without using designer

    Hello, Recently I asked how to create imageview(for example) without using the designer.( Does anybode know how to delete view(for example imageview) also without using the designer? Thanks in advance.
  11. K

    Android Question custom view parent click

    Hii experts, My custom view Label class is working fine. I add custom view label object in custom list view by add row function. But customlistview_itemclick event is not running when I click on custom view. Here is my code of custom cllick event Private Sub mBase_Click Log(mCallBack)...
  12. K

    Android Question Panel Custom View

    I create panel custom view, but none object added in it. my panel custom view code : Public Sub DesignerCreateView (Base As Panel, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) mBase.Initialize("mBase") mBase = Base Base.AddView(mBase,0,0,Base.Width,Base.Height) Log(Props.Get("Elevation"))...
  13. K

    Android Question Animation to Custom View

    Hii everybody, I want to give my custom view animation like button click.
  14. K

    Android Question Custom View Default Value

    I create custom class, I assign some property and its default value to it, then I add custom view in activity and, then I change default value of property in custom view. But its update default value in my activity. What is solution for this?
  15. K

    Android Question edittext custom view

    Hii experts, I'm new to b4a custom view, so please help me. I'm trying to create edittext custom view, add I want to add textchange event my code is : Public Sub DesignerCreateView (Base As Panel, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) mBase = Base edittext.Initialize("")...
  16. K

    Android Question corner radius property to custom view

    I want to give radius property to my custom view panel. I'm try Base.CornerRadius but it not cornerradius property in drop list.
  17. T

    German gibt es anpassbare Buttons?

    Hi, ich versuche gerade viele Buttons mit Rahmen zu machen. In meiner Core version gibt es leider keine Rahmen. Ich wollte fragen ob es bereits additional libraries gibt mit denen ich das bewerkstelligen kann. LG, Tooob
  18. Star-Dust

    B4A Library [BAX] [XUI] SD XUI_View3D

    I created a library to display polygons in 3D. It is also possible to use it to create 3D XUI views. This library can be used to create 3D models from code or load them from obj files. To create a 2D drawing app, to create games, animations, introductions, and 3D effects You can find a detailed...
  19. Andre Souza

    B4A Library DSAlphaLockView

    This library create alpha view black that blocks all content from an activity. DSAlphaLockView Author: DevSlim Version: 1.00 DSAlphaLockView Events: _Click Fields: Alpha As Int Elevation As Int Functions: CreateLayout (Left As Int, Top As Int, Width As Int, Height As Int) As Panel...
  20. R

    Android Question Problem updating view

    Using OSMDroid 4.1 and have a TouchOverLay to add GeoPoints to a PathOverLay. Both OverLays are added to a MapView, named MapView1. Sub TouchOverLay1_Click(GeoPoint1 As OSMDroid_GeoPoint) As Boolean AddAreaPoint(GeoPoint1) Return(False) End Sub Sub AddAreaPoint(GeoPoint1 As...