
  1. Mashiane

    [Web] SithasoBundle Birthday Month Sale (SithasoDaisy + SithasoIonic) - 50% off

    Hi Fam As 15th April marks my birth day and thus my birthday month, we are offering both SithasoDaisy & SithasoIONIC7 @ 50% off for the whole of April 2024. SithasoIONIC7 - emphasis on Mobile Hybrid WebApps with Native Feel...
  2. Mashiane

    Share My Creation [Web] SithasoBundle Birthday Month Sale (SithasoDaisy + SithasoIonic) for $20

    Hi Fam As 15th April marks my birth day and thus my birthday month, we are offering both SithasoDaisy & SithasoIONIC7 @ 50% off for the whole of April 2024. SithasoIONIC7 - emphasis on Mobile Hybrid WebApps with Native Feel...
  3. M

    Can someone help me with B4PPC project (Webpage scraping)?

    I am aware that Windows Mobile and B4PPC are 'dead' for many years. Yet I still have a wonderful and fully operational Pocket PC Loox from Fujitsu that I would like to revive for a small project (instead of a Rasberry based one). In a separate thread ("Weather web service using HTTP") someone...
  4. aeric

    B4J Library [B4X] Velocity

    A wrap of Apache Velocity Engine library for B4A and B4J What is Velocity? Velocity is a Java-based template engine. It permits anyone to use a simple yet powerful template language to reference objects defined in Java code. Source: https://velocity.apache.org/ Download additional libraries...
  5. a.consorti

    B4J Question wait for and api response

    Hi guys! How are you, I state that I'm new to B4J and, despite my many attempts and various readings, I can't do something that should be simple. In practice I have created a web portal in B4J and I manage the various pages through the handlers. So far, so good. The problem arises when I...
  6. P

    B4J Question Scraping a webpage

    Hi everyone, I am trying to scrape the webpage from a USB dongle for 4g (I want to get the IMEI etc). I have tried the HTTP utils, cURL, and command line to chromium yet each method I have tried and found returns the HTML but none of the javascript generated content. is there a way I can get...
  7. aeric

    B4J Code Snippet [web]JSON Web Token (auth0/java-jwt)

    You can use this class to generate JSON Web Token (JWT) for use in Web API B4J Server. This code is using JavaObject from Java JWT github project (https://github.com/auth0/java-jwt) by Auth0. I only add support for HMAC algorithms. If you want, you can modify this code to support RSA and ECDSA...
  8. A

    Android Question UltimateWebView behavior when changing device orientation

    Is it possible to make UltimateWebView work continuously when changing device orientation? At first glance, it seems that it is impossible, since UltimateWebView cannot be declared in Process_Globals. It turns out that when you change the orientation, the web page needs to be reloaded? It would...
  9. Mondlane06

    Share My Creation School Management System

    Sistema de Gestão Escolar Completo B4A e PHP administrador Professor Estudante Pai Recurso completo Login múltiplo (admin + professor + aluno + pais) Gestão Estudantil. Gestão Docente. Gestão de Presença Gestão Salarial Gestão de pagamentos Gestão de Horários Gerenciamento de...
  10. aeric

    Share My Creation [Project Template] Web API Server v1

    Updates Web API Server v2 is available Version: 1.16 Description: Create Web API Server with CRUD functionalities Sample application: [B4X] Todo List based on Web API Template: Web API Server (1.16).b4xtemplate Depends on following libraries: ByteConverter JavaObject jServer Json...
  11. Star-Dust

    B4J Library [B4X] xHttpServer (Http Server + jQuery)

    It is a personal project of mine that I started as a hobby on B4i and it has become an interesting project, so that I have modified it to be multiplatform. It is an http server, which allows a browser to navigate on html pages stored on the device. In addition, dynamic pages can also be...
  12. Star-Dust

    B4i Library SD: iHttpServer (beta)

    I started developing a version of the HttpServer Library for iOs. It is still a beta version and not complete, but already functional. You can start using it to test it. Includes WebSocket and QueryElement implementation Digest Auth will be added in the future. I have arrived at a first version...
  13. O

    Web/Database recommendations for prototype

    Greetings all To show proof of concept I need to make a simple web page, that connect to a database, which then the clients (B4A and B4I) connects to, in order to exchange data and receive tasks ect. I’m not much of a DB man (but I can if needed be hack my way through it), and certainty not a...
  14. Mashiane

    B4J Question [SOLVED] Please help in creating an independent paging web component

    Hi there I need to create a pagination component that one can use in a listview / table seamlessly. This off course should be a web component, pure vanulla js (preferably) or jquery will do. If you have something already please guide the through.. Ta Thanks in advance
  15. alwaysbusy

    B4J Tutorial [BANano] inline php -> server code

    Peter had a great idea for a new feature in BANano: I liked it! He had already written out the ground rules so we only needed a couple of mails to get on the same page. As a result BANano 1.27 has a PHP connection (we plan support for .asp(x), CGI, python, ... later). A note beforehand: It is...
  16. FrostCodes

    B4J Library Cuppify - build Modern REST API's with ease

    A Professional B4J framework that allows you to build Modern REST API's with ease. You can download: HERE You can download JsonGenerator2 from here It is with the source code. You can upload your fixes or extra extensions to it and share and it would be merged if useful to the official...
  17. peacemaker

    BASIC is alive in 2018: WWWBasic for web

    There are BASIC programming language fans even at Google, and, seem to be, they have much free time to ... develop one more BASIC :) WWWBasic is an implementation of BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) designed to be easy to run on the Web...
  18. Mashiane

    B4J Question [SOLVED] SQLite2WebSQL / SQLite2IndexedDB

    Ola I need a wizard please *no pun intended. Lets say you have a SQLite db, you want to access this thing from a webapp (no websockets/no server), it should be embedded inside your web app. One approach is to convert this thing into a js file including the CREATE scripts, data etc and perhaps...
  19. Mashiane

    365 Web Resources

    Quite interesting find.. https://365webresources.com