Web/Database recommendations for prototype


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Greetings all

To show proof of concept I need to make a simple web page, that connect to a database, which then the clients (B4A and B4I) connects to, in order to exchange data and receive tasks ect.
I’m not much of a DB man (but I can if needed be hack my way through it), and certainty not a Web-guy, so what would you guys recommend.
It does not need to artsy fartsy and good looking, as it just a prototype, so ease and rapid development is preferred over ‘nice stuff’

Thanks OM


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just use JRDC2


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Hi OttoMan28:

What I think it could be easier, with the things you've told us.
- Install Laragon or Xampp, with this, you'll have in your developmet PC: MariaDB and phpMyAdmin. With phpMyAdmin you CAN make CRUD operations on your database
- Install B4J and, as Enrique has told you, you'll get a jRDC2 server running in the same development PC, with access to your database.
- Then, you can make your B4A app and connect it with your jRDC2 server, and modify the database with it.

Good luck¡¡


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Thanks for your answers. ?

I might not have made my self clear enough: I’m looking for an online version/platform for the backend, as some of my test-clients are external.



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So, check for some cheap VPS


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I’m looking for an online version/platform for the backend,
Then use Jserver

+ JSon

So you can send data from the database/server to outer non b4x clients.


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it depends of your apps.
you can use a shared hosting.

I have a vps and a shared hosting but my life is a lot easer using the shared hosting.
I think we are misunderstandig each other.
I'm looking for 'the tool (package/site builder)' where i have to spend the least amount time, of creating the backend, as its just a prototype.
I do have a paid azure acount, so i could place it there. But then most of the stuff would have to be done 'by hand'. I'm just trying to cut some corners, to see if i could find a combo that would get my prototype in the air, with the least amount of efford.
I have no preferences, to the choice of weapon as i know i have to learn new stuff. Normaly i program in B4* :) and in Phyton, so i dont expect to find a web/design platform that build around that.
The apps are pretty much done, of cause the just need to be modified to fit the backend protocol.
The backend would have to be a combo of a web and a DB (with some logic), and this is where is uncharted waters for me as i'm a infrastructure and client guy. So thats where i'm looking for packaged solution/tool.
Well now that i think about it, as solution could also be some ready-made virtuel appliance i slap on to my Azure enviroment, if you guys have any suggestions.
Thanks for your time :)


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Eish @OttoMan28 I'm a bit confused with your question.

If I read it correctly, then, you are looking for something that will both: set up a database (MariaDB / MySQL), and, create a small web page with connection / linking to the DB - as a package? If that is the case: I don't think there is such a beast. But, then, I've never had the time, not had, to look for one. (Note: there are all sorts of ways to do both with PHP for instance - but that doesn't sound like what you're looking for.)

I guess there are any number of web site editors (Bluefish, OpenElement, whatever a search comes up with) that will WYSIWYG a page for you and would probably have click-and-park facilities that would create the connection to the DB. In #3 @José J. Aguilar points to a way to develop and test things on >> I have a machine in my home that has Apache on it etc etc. lets me do this sort of development.

My webhost provides databases with the package, but I have to do the set up. So, they provide phpMyAdmin and that lets one set up the database itself (user/password. DB+tables and table definitions etc). This does not take long, and the learning curve really isn't big. You can do it well less than a hour. phpMyAdmin will let you test SQL queries and will also give you the PHP code snippet that you can cut and paste into the web page you create. Actually, my web host service, which is international, has a sitebuilder facility as well, but I don't use it.

At this point, if that sort of thing is set up, and, you have a host provider with those facilities available , you've probably cut all the corners you can. In my experience its going to be a fairly simple two part process.

You'll have to take the plunge, the water isn't too deep......that is assuming I have read your request correctly.


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I think what you need can be found here with examples

This can easily be adapted to an online server. I used similar method to build this application (Rich African Quotes) which runs on both Android, iOS and can easily be built with B4J as it simply uses okhttputils to interact with a php script on a server. The php script does receives the commands from the applications, connects to the Database and gets what it needs and sends it back to the application.

Indic Software

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Greetings all

To show proof of concept I need to make a simple web page, that connect to a database, which then the clients (B4A and B4I) connects to, in order to exchange data and receive tasks ect.
I’m not much of a DB man (but I can if needed be hack my way through it), and certainty not a Web-guy, so what would you guys recommend.
It does not need to artsy fartsy and good looking, as it just a prototype, so ease and rapid development is preferred over ‘nice stuff’

Thanks OM
If you know Python then check out Frappe.io (https://frappeframework.com/) it will help you build your prototype quickly. It has a feature called Form Builder using which you will be able to build entry forms/screens quickly just by point and click!


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Eish @OttoMan28 I'm a bit confused with your question.

If I read it correctly, then, you are looking for something that will both: set up a database (MariaDB / MySQL), and, create a small web page with connection / linking to the DB - as a package? If that is the case: I don't think there is such a beast. But, then, I've never had the time, not had, to look for one. (Note: there are all sorts of ways to do both with PHP for instance - but that doesn't sound like what you're looking for.)

I guess there are any number of web site editors (Bluefish, OpenElement, whatever a search comes up with) that will WYSIWYG a page for you and would probably have click-and-park facilities that would create the connection to the DB. In #3 @José J. Aguilar points to a way to develop and test things on >> I have a machine in my home that has Apache on it etc etc. lets me do this sort of development.

My webhost provides databases with the package, but I have to do the set up. So, they provide phpMyAdmin and that lets one set up the database itself (user/password. DB+tables and table definitions etc). This does not take long, and the learning curve really isn't big. You can do it well less than a hour. phpMyAdmin will let you test SQL queries and will also give you the PHP code snippet that you can cut and paste into the web page you create. Actually, my web host service, which is international, has a sitebuilder facility as well, but I don't use it.

At this point, if that sort of thing is set up, and, you have a host provider with those facilities available , you've probably cut all the corners you can. In my experience its going to be a fairly simple two part process.

You'll have to take the plunge, the water isn't too deep......that is assuming I have read your request correctly.

Well i dont expect it to be ready made, with a web-page and a DB connected, when i open up the can - but it would be nice though. :)
Currently i'm looking into phpCake, Django and Ruby on Rails and as well as i have picked up a virtual machine with LAMP. I just need to find the platform/framework which let me whip out some prototype pages, with the least efford. I'm not biased against any particular langauge and techonolgy. I dont need to be concernd about SEO, maintaince ect. as its just for prototying. If it works, someone else would have to take over.

I dont mind get toes wet, but if i can avoid getting my head under if posible.


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Test phpmaker. With the demo version you will have enough to test. It can make CRUD pages easily, and it adds an API too.


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If you know Python then check out Frappe.io (https://frappeframework.com/) it will help you build your prototype quickly. It has a feature called Form Builder using which you will be able to build entry forms/screens quickly just by point and click!
I just gave it a quick read, this seams quite interresting, and as far as i understand it you can pretty much do the same on 'web' as you could in 'Desktop mode'. And i assume you have full access to the underlying Python? that would be great as i my current service program for the backend is in Python. I have a bit of interaction with some HW there.
Thanks !!

Indic Software

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I just gave it a quick read, this seams quite interresting, and as far as i understand it you can pretty much do the same on 'web' as you could in 'Desktop mode'. And i assume you have full access to the underlying Python? that would be great as i my current service program for the backend is in Python. I have a bit of interaction with some HW there.
Thanks !!
There are two large size project that I know of, and which are running successfully, and they are build using Frappe.

1. ERPNext (https://erpnext.com/)
2. Zerodha (https://zerodha.com/)

Incidentally we use ERPNext (CRM and POS) in our sister concern.
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Licensed User
I had same problem weeks ago. I find Bananovuetify Expenses.Show example on this forum. This example teach me to all what I needed to make one MySql Crud application using one Raspberry Pi 4 server. The VPN are too expensive for testing and developing, I think. Zoltan


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Whichever you do choose/design with, Make sure its with Security in mind!

SQL Injections, or insecure processing with the database/datastore could really ruin your day. I feel that has alot to do with the databreaches we see all the time.

I honestly do not know how secure JRDC2 is, so hiding behind a processing script and using a REST API or something would be a bit more secure with this. And then using an hmac as some sort of authentication on execution.