Android Code Snippet ✅ Media3 ExoPlayer - Set playback speed

SubName: Set the video playback speed and audio pitch for Media3 ExoPlayer
Description: As Erel now recommends using the newer updated Media3 ExoPlayer library, you can use the following updated code (updated from Erel's original code) to set the video playback speed and audio pitch whilst watching media using Media3 ExoPlayer.

How to use:
    SetSpeedPitch(1.0, 1.0) 'Speed, Audio Pitch
Set speed and pitch code:
Private Sub SetSpeedPitch (Speed As Float, Pitch As Float)
    ExoPlayer.As(JavaObject).GetFieldJO("player").RunMethod("setPlaybackParameters", Array(CreatePlaybackParameters(Speed, Pitch)))
End Sub

Private Sub CreatePlaybackParameters(Speed As Float, Pitch As Float) As JavaObject 'Speed = Video Speed, Pitch = Audio Pitch (The factor by which the pitch of audio will be adjusted)
    Dim PlaybackParameters As JavaObject
        PlaybackParameters.InitializeNewInstance("androidx.media3.common.PlaybackParameters", Array(Speed, Pitch))
    Return PlaybackParameters
End Sub


Media3, ExoPlayer, Playback, Speed, Audio, Pitch