B4A Library addoMedia3 - AndroidX Media3 Exoplayer Wrapper

This library is wrapper for the new AndroidX Media3 Library which is based on Exoplayer You can still use my previous wrapper.
Since from now on the new updates and releases will be Published to AndroidX Media3 Library. so i migrate the whole wrapper to the new codebase.

Version 1.3.1 required aar.
Additional AAR 1.3.1

Functionality :
  • CreateUriSource
  • CreateSmoothStreamingSource
  • CreateHLSSource
  • CreateDashSource
  • CreateFileSource
  • CreateRtspStreamingSource
  • CreateRtmpStreamingSource
  • CreateUdpStreamingSource
  • clearMediaItems
  • CreateListSource
  • setReapeatMode
  • getIsPlaying
  • Prepare
  • Play
  • Pause
  • Release
  • getPosition
  • setPosition
  • getDuration
  • getVolume
  • setVolume
  • getCurrentMediaItemIndex
  • GetvideoFormatwidth
  • GetvideoFormatHeight
  • GetAudioTracksLanguages
  • GetVideoTrackSubtitles
  • preferedAudioLanguage
  • preferedtextLanguage
  • EnableSubtitles
  • PlaybackSpeed

  • Media3PlayerView
  • UseController default is true
  • ShowBuffering [NEVER|PLAYING|ALWAYS] default is NEVER
  • ControllerTimeout default is 5000
Events :
  • Player_Ready
  • Player_Error
  • Player_Complete
  • Player_MetaData(metadataFields As Map)
  • IDLE
  • Buffering
Library and Example attached. Don't forget to download the required media3 aars, have a good day.

Updated to version 1.3


  • TrackMetadata
  • PlaybackSpeed
Sub Player_Ready
End Sub

'example of calling th event

Sub Player_MetaData(metadataFields As Map)
    Label1.Text = ""
    If metadataFields.ContainsKey("Title") Then
        Label1.Text = metadataFields.Get("Title")
    End If
    ' Handle the metadata fields here
    If metadataFields.ContainsKey("ArtworkData") Then
        Dim artworkData() As Byte = metadataFields.Get("ArtworkData")
        ' Create an InputStream from the byte array
        Dim inp As InputStream
        inp.InitializeFromBytesArray(artworkData, 0, artworkData.Length)
        ' Create a Bitmap from the InputStream
        Dim bitmap As Bitmap
        ImageView1.Bitmap = bitmap
        ImageView1.Visible = True
    End If
End Sub

Updated Media3 to the latest 1.3.1

Updated to version 1.4

  • Fixes an incompatibility between ExoPlayer and Firebase. Make sure to update the additional libs package.
updated to version 1.6
  • Updated the dependencies to be compatible with b4a 13+
  • removed PlayList replaced with CreateListSource
updated to version 1.7
  • Added a new view addoMedia3TexureView based on TextureView.
  • Added GetVideoTextLanguages2
  • Added GetAudioTracksLanguages2
  • Added SetTextLanguage2
  • SetAudioLanguage2
  • Added Event_GetVideoTextLanguages2(Subtitles As Map)
  • Added Event_Getaudiolanguages2(audiotracks As Map)
As mentioned in this thread there was issue on setting and retrieving the correct supported languages for audio and subtitles use GetVideoTextLanguages2 and GetAudioTracksLanguages2 to retrieve the correct language information.

The TextureView is a new view added to gives the ability to rotate the player as mentioned here. the down side of using textureview that the subtitle in videos will not be visible.

updated to version 1.8

in this update addoMedia3 and addoMedia3TexureView has a new method and event.

  • Added a new method takeScreenshot.
  • Added a new event OnScreenShot(screensrc() As Byte)

updated to version 1.9

  • Removed the internal dependencies so you can add them selectively as #AdditionalJar in b4a IDE
#Region Additional libs

#AdditionalJar: addoexo/media3-common-1.3.1.aar
#AdditionalJar: addoexo/media3-container-1.3.1.aar
#AdditionalJar: addoexo/media3-database-1.3.1.aar
#AdditionalJar: addoexo/media3-datasource-1.3.1.aar
#AdditionalJar: addoexo/media3-datasource-rtmp-1.3.1.aar
#AdditionalJar: addoexo/media3-decoder-1.3.1.aar
#AdditionalJar: addoexo/media3-exoplayer-1.3.1.aar
#AdditionalJar: addoexo/media3-exoplayer-dash-1.3.1.aar
#AdditionalJar: addoexo/media3-cast-1.3.1.aar
#AdditionalJar: addoexo/media3-exoplayer-hls-1.3.1.aar
#AdditionalJar: addoexo/media3-exoplayer-rtsp-1.3.1.aar
#AdditionalJar: addoexo/media3-exoplayer-smoothstreaming-1.3.1.aar
#AdditionalJar: addoexo/media3-extractor-1.3.1.aar
#AdditionalJar: addoexo/media3-ui-1.3.1.aar
#AdditionalJar: addoexo/rtmp-client-3.2.0.aar
#AdditionalJar: addoexo/guava-31.1-android-without-listenable.jar
#AdditionalJar: androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview
#AdditionalJar: androidx.customview:customview-poolingcontainer
#AdditionalJar: androidx.media:media
#AdditionalJar: com.google.guava:listenablefuture

#End Region

Example Updated to describe the usage of both views.

Important Note Additional aar files must be place in a folder with name addoexo.

I may add more features to this library..


  • addoMedia3-V-1.9.zip
    35 KB · Views: 161
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... with package name com.google.android.exoplayer2, will soon be discontinued, so to continue receiving updates, you will need to migrate to Media3 ExoPlayer.

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Hello, The bookstore is appreciated. I was using the previous wrapper and I really like it a lot.
The only thing I see (and it is in almost all libraries is that we cannot instantiate the exoplayer2 object) this is so that if in the future we want to extend your library through javaobject or reflection , it will be easier for us.
Could you add the request?


Hello, thanks for sharing this library.
I have some dash links that are encrypted with drm, I have the keyid and the key, but I don't know how I could get into this library.
I know that exoplayer works with these links because I know some apks that work well.
Here it says how to do it with exoplayer: https://github.com/google/ExoPlayer/issues/3201

Can someone guide me how I could do it with b4a?
Thank you


Hello, The bookstore is appreciated. I was using the previous wrapper and I really like it a lot.
The only thing I see (and it is in almost all libraries is that we cannot instantiate the exoplayer2 object) this is so that if in the future we want to extend your library through javaobject or reflection , it will be easier for us.
Could you add the request?
Sorry to be pushy but I use your library and I would like you to modify it to be able to access the Exoplayer object. that you must have it with @Hide set, that's why I can't access it


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Sorry to be pushy but I use your library and I would like you to modify it to be able to access the Exoplayer object. that you must have it with @Hide set, that's why I can't access it
don't repeat your replies I will publish an update to this library on a free time.
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Hello, thanks for sharing this library.
I have some dash links that are encrypted with drm, I have the keyid and the key, but I don't know how I could get into this library.
I know that exoplayer works with these links because I know some apks that work well.
Here it says how to do it with exoplayer: https://github.com/google/ExoPlayer/issues/3201

Can someone guide me how I could do it with b4a?
Thank you
what kind of solution you are referring to ?


what kind of solution you are referring to ?
Thanks for the reply

I am using google translator, I hope it is understood well.

Dash files (*.mpd) may have drm ( digital rights management ) protection. There are several types: widevine (Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video...), or clearkey (dazn, movistar+...).

With very few lines of code it can be implemented in exoplayer with android studio, I suppose it wouldn't be very difficult to do it in b4a, because I already told you that there is very little code to put on it. That would make our apks very attractive...

I leave you the link of an apk that works with clearkey so you can see how easy it is (at least it seems so to me, but my knowledge of creating a b4a library is very limited)

Thanks for your time.


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hello @Addo

I have been following your work for a long time, I wanted to know if the previous library (Exoplayer 2.18.5 Streams Player), will cease to exist and I must migrate everything to this new library.

It is to know if I should migrate everything, since this library is better and has better functions, (It does not cost me anything to migrate)

thanks for your time.
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Well-Known Member
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hello @Addo

I have been following your work for a long time, I wanted to know if the previous library (Exoplayer 2.18.5 Streams Player), will cease to exist and I must migrate everything to this new library.

It is to know if I should migrate everything, since this library is better and has better functions, (It does not cost me anything to migrate)

thanks for your time.
This library will be the future library for Exoplayer. I put in consideration to add ffmpeg to it in next release. I am just not available as before due to some circumstances in real life. How ever i will be back soon to release even more libraries. Although will take reading meta data into consideration.


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This library will be the future library for Exoplayer. I put in consideration to add ffmpeg to it in next release. I am just not available as before due to some circumstances in real life. How ever i will be back soon to release even more libraries. Although will take reading meta data into consideration.
Hello, thank you very much for answering.
Considering that in the future it will be the exoplayer library, I will update to this version.
I hope to see you here soon and that everything goes well.
Thank you very much for your time and work. good day


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Error: androidx.media3.datasource.HttpDataSource$HttpDataSourceException: javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: Hostname NAMEHOST not verified:
Error: androidx.media3.datasource.HttpDataSource$HttpDataSourceException: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.

Is there a way to bypass the certificate validation? or accept it
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Hello @Addo , trying to play an ur from a .MKV file, it gives me the following error.

Error: androidx.media3.exoplayer.video.MediaCodecVideoDecoderException: Decoder failed: c2.mtk.hevc.decoder

Thank you


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Hello, @Addo

Could you share some example of the use of


I try with the example of the previous version that you had of exoplayer2, but it does not read all the audios, I try it with vlc and 2 audio tracks come out and in your example it only shows me 1.


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Updated to version 1.2


  • TrackMetadata
Sub Player_Ready
End Sub

'example of calling th event

Sub Player_MetaData(metadataFields As Map)
    Label1.Text = ""
    If metadataFields.ContainsKey("Title") Then
        Label1.Text = metadataFields.Get("Title")
    End If
    ' Handle the metadata fields here
    If metadataFields.ContainsKey("ArtworkData") Then
        Dim artworkData() As Byte = metadataFields.Get("ArtworkData")
        ' Create an InputStream from the byte array
        Dim inp As InputStream
        inp.InitializeFromBytesArray(artworkData, 0, artworkData.Length)
        ' Create a Bitmap from the InputStream
        Dim bitmap As Bitmap
        ImageView1.Bitmap = bitmap
        ImageView1.Visible = True
    End If
End Sub