Bug? 1900x1200 emulator won't work


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I'm trying to create a 1900x1200 emulator for testing the Amazon 8.9" HD Fire table. I can create the emulator with AVD, and when I click Start, it creates a window for it, but it stays black -- never shows the lock screen. And B4A does not recognize it.

In addition, there is no option for 1900x1200 in Abstract Designer nor in the cloud, so there is no way to set up, much less test a layout for the Fire 8.9".


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Thanks. I had been to that page before but couldn't make much sense of it. I tried again and the Android SDK Manager installed Android 4.0.3 (API15) and is now in the process of installing the Kindle Fire emulators (I think). The process should be simple -- just check the things to install and click Install -- but it didn't always work.


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I finally found out how to get the Fire 8.9 emulator to work. In the AVD, you have to select "Use host GPU". For more info, see this page. This should work for other high resolution emulators as well.

In addition to making this change, don't give up too soon. It takes a really long time to install. First you get a black screen, then one that just says "Android" on it, then after a long wait you finally get what looks like a device screen.

All this assumes you already followed the links in prior messages and have downloaded all the Fire emulator requirements.

Unfortunately, after all this effort, when I connected with Designer, the screen was far from normal. For example, colors are off and check boxes do not show up at all even though the text for them does show up.

When I tried to change the layout on the emulator, it was painfully slow. For example, moving a view to the front took so long that I assumed it wasn't working and moved on to something else. After a while up popped the view.
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Just a sidenote, you can also play with different system images - for example, perhaps try the x86 image instead of the ARM one. Emulating an entirely different processor architecture is drastically slow, so any speed improvements will help, and since Basic4Android doesn't render in NDK you shouldn't notice a difference.
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