2.02 and 2.2 V. Update.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Good morning;

First apologize for my English, because it is a translation with Google Translate.

I have seen it is announcing version 2.2, which is indicated as the latest version 2.02, but instead, the last mail received for download is 2.0, and I am very surprised by good communication that you have always had.

We will receive the link to the 2.2 soon or wait longer to send the 2.2 directly?

A greeting.

Roger Garstang

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
I'd have to agree on one thing though, the jump from 2.02 to 2.2 is a bit confusing since both end in 2. Odd to jump .18 revisions too instead of being 2.03 or 2.1. Are there no betas with the last couple builds? The Beta Key for 2.x ended up being the key for 2.0 and 2.02 with no beta versions available (Even typing the link in manually like before).
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