Read Contacts from phonebook


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Hey Community,

at the begin i wanna apologize for the following bad english :signOops:

Generell: I've created a little application which should read my contacs from my phonebook and list them on my screen.

Problem: If i start the program in my emulator (standard) its work fine and all functions are working, but if i start it on my mobildevice it doesnt work and i dont know why.

My Code: Here is a short part of my code which is the function to read my contacts from my phonebook:

Dim Contacts1 As Contacts
   Dim listofContacts As List
   listofContacts = Contacts1.FindByName("n", False)
   For i = 0 To listofContacts.Size - 1
   Dim Contact As Contact
    Contact = listofContacts.Get(i)
    Log(Contact) 'will print the fields to the LogCat
    Dim photo As Bitmap
    photo = Contact.GetPhoto
   If photo <> Null Then Activity.SetBackgroundImage(photo)
    Dim Name As String
   Name = Contact.Name
    Dim DisplayName As String = Contact.DisplayName
   If DisplayName.Length > 0 Then ListView1.AddSingleLine("DisplayName: " & DisplayName)

[...] the following code is only the read some more data


Device: Samsung Galaxy S2 - - - Android Version 4.0.4
Libary: Phone.dll (version 1.91)

Thats were the main information which is needable for the problem.

If i need to give some other information or have to test something pls give me a tip.

Best regards.
