Java Question Creating AAR with Android Studio


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Longtime User
Based on this post from @corwin42 i woul like to learn how to develop wraps with android studio to be used with b4a lalter.

You can create your wrapper library in AndroidStudio and create an AAR which can be used (more or less) directly with B4A. You only need an empty .jar file and a DependsOn annotation that includes your aar. My latest libraries are good examples. The DesignSupport library has just an empty .jar file. All the code is in the .aar.

Could you (or any other) please describe the steps i need to go in Android Studio when i start a wrap for any third party library?

As of now i´m still using eclipse. Copy a template to my workspace, import the project in eclipse, add the jar´s needed to the libs folder and so on...

I´m using slc to compile. now.
If there is a way to develop it in android studio and create directly a aar with all the code (instead of adding them to the compiled jar) i would really love to learn how to :)


Licensed User
Longtime User
Could you (or any other) please describe the steps i need to go in Android Studio when i start a wrap for any third party library?

Unfortunately this can't be answered in a few minutes. It took me several days/weeks to find out how to do all things needed in AndroidStudio. I'm still not 100% satisfied with my solution but at least I can compile and gerenate xml/aar/jar just with one click now.

I will try to start something like a tutorial in the next days on this subject. I just want to finish the Preference library first (which will still take some days).