B4J Question 868mhz USB dongle for sniffing


Licensed User
Hi guys, hope everyone is well!

I'm trying to use a raspberry pi and an 868mhz USB dongle to listen to all the messages going back and forth in an area (to be used for diagnostics) however am somewhat coming up blank as where to start, for the minute id like to be able to get the system to listen and spit out anything to debug, but am struggling to get my head around it.

Which serial library should I use, do i just set up a class to listen permanently?

any guidance is very much appreciated



Licensed User
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Licensed User
In inspection it says FT323 serial (UART) IC
Try capture and post a sample of received data from the dongle via the serial-over-USB interface. If you're using Windows, then Teraterm program is a good starting point, and the serial-over-USB connection will probably show up in Device Manager as a COM port eg:

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