B4J Question ABMaterial ABMTabs, (Adding tabs during runtime)


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Hi all, i have been working on a web app for work for the last few months on and off, I was wondering if it's possible to add any additional tabs on command to the ABMTabs object, i have been trying all day and although i don't see any error i don't see the additional tabs being added, i was wondering if this was a limitation of the ABMaterial framework?

Here's my code so far where I add or at least try to add another tab.
            Dim tabs As ABMTabs = page.Component("tabs")
            Log("tabs id: " & tabs.ID)
            Dim tbl As ABMTable
            tbl.Initialize(page, tablename.Text.ToLowerCase, True, False, True, "")
            ReloadNewTable(tbl, tablename.Text.ToLowerCase, namelist)
            Dim contnew As ABMContainer = BuildTabContainer("cont"&tablename.Text.ToLowerCase, "")
            contnew.AddRows(1, True, "").AddCells12(1, "")
            contnew.Cell(1, 1).AddComponent(tbl)
            tabs.AddTab("tab"&tablename.Text.ToLowerCase, tablename.Text, contnew, 3,3,3,12,12,12,True, True, "mdi-hardware-memory", "")

What I am trying to do is basically allow the user to create additional database tables, these tables will be used to maintain track and records of electronic components, quantities, part numbers etc. maybe I am going completely wrong about this, but I wanted to allow admins to be able to add projects, hence the need to be able to create dynamic database tables and be able to add extra tabs to display the newly created table's data.

Any thoughts?

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