A useful primer:
I apologise in advance for the scale of this but it is forced by the need to explore cookie behaviour under various server settings - local/remote secure/unsecure selfsigned/certificate authority signed.
As part my effort to get on top of ABMaterial for a webapp I am planning I need to master cookies for remembering logins etc.
This is not a code snippet or a tutorial or a library - but as it can be installed and run standalone I will claim it as a library.
You may like to have a look at A TOUR THROUGH THE COOKIE JAVASCRIPT before deciding if it interests you enough to go through the (quite heavy) installation process.
It is based on several elements already accessible in the forums:
1. Alain's introductory ABM template - used as a base for this exercise:
2. This reference describes how to make a self-signed keystore - sufficient for testing, putting server behind a https://localhost:...
3. Erel's B4J library for LetsEncrypt SSL certificates - incorporated because self-signed keystores are not adequate in a production environment (browser in use will throw up ugly "not safe" warnings):
You should note that I have adopted an absolutely minimalistic approach to presenting this - I have stripped out everything that does not have a direct bearing on creating/inspecting/deleting cookies in ABMaterial.
A useful primer:
I apologise in advance for the scale of this but it is forced by the need to explore cookie behaviour under various server settings - local/remote secure/unsecure selfsigned/certificate authority signed.
As part my effort to get on top of ABMaterial for a webapp I am planning I need to master cookies for remembering logins etc.
This is not a code snippet or a tutorial or a library - but as it can be installed and run standalone I will claim it as a library.
You may like to have a look at A TOUR THROUGH THE COOKIE JAVASCRIPT before deciding if it interests you enough to go through the (quite heavy) installation process.
It is based on several elements already accessible in the forums:
1. Alain's introductory ABM template - used as a base for this exercise:
2. This reference describes how to make a self-signed keystore - sufficient for testing, putting server behind a https://localhost:...
3. Erel's B4J library for LetsEncrypt SSL certificates - incorporated because self-signed keystores are not adequate in a production environment (browser in use will throw up ugly "not safe" warnings):
You should note that I have adopted an absolutely minimalistic approach to presenting this - I have stripped out everything that does not have a direct bearing on creating/inspecting/deleting cookies in ABMaterial.
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