B4J Tutorial [ABMaterial] Better Delegating the creation of complex components


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I think some bubbling is in order! (not the champagne unfortunately)

I think it should be possible to set a parents EventHandler to be propagated to all its children so we can replace:
' NEW PART: we set for each component that we want the handler of the events here to this class
 TopBarContainer.EventHandler = Me
 TopBarSubContainer.EventHandler = Me
 TopBarLogo.EventHandler = Me
 TopBarSearch.EventHandler = Me
 TopBarBtn1.EventHandler = Me
 TopBarBtn2.EventHandler = Me
 TopBarBtn3.EventHandler = Me

' NEW PART: we set the handler of the events here to this class, and all 'child' components too
 TopBarContainer.EventHandler = Me

and still catch the btn1_clicked in the class set by its parent, the TopBarcontainer. Else, it would be hard to keep track of when to set the EventHandler.
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