Hi there...
A project management app wouldn't do without a proper gantt chart. I must say I'm rather impressed with what Google has come around with here, more especially with the fact that it can calculate and draw the critical path and its look and feel is rather nice. Some tests so far...
A project management app wouldn't do without a proper gantt chart. I must say I'm rather impressed with what Google has come around with here, more especially with the fact that it can calculate and draw the critical path and its look and feel is rather nice. Some tests so far...
Dim mgantt As MashGGhatt
mgantt.Height = "400"
mgantt.AddTask("Research", "Find sources", "2015-01-01", "2015-01-05", "", "100", "")
mgantt.addtask("Write", "Write paper", "", "2015-01-09", "3", "25", "Research,Outline")
mgantt.addtask("Cite", "Create bibliography", "", "2015-01-07", "1", "20", "Research")
mgantt.addtask("Research", "Find sources", "2015-01-01", "2015-01-05", "", "100", "")
mgantt.addtask("Complete", "Hand on paper", "", "2015-01-10", "1", "0", "")
mgantt.addtask("Outline", "Outline paper", "", "2015-01-06", "1", "100", "Research")