I am learning ABMaterial and using the ABMButton, the text is always in Uppercases, How can I put abmbutton.text in lowercases?
Without diluting the issue, you need to remember that anything html based is just wearing makeup when css is applied to it. Whilst that is the case, at times we are faced with clients who want things to be done in a particular fashion and no matter how we can push guidelines to them they remain stubborn and "we want it like that". The problem with that is the fact that at the end of the day the customer "is always right", no matter how better we usually know.
Whilst AB is right, best practise indicates that buttons should be uppercase. With that said, the makeup to uppercase the text for an element is usually an attribute in a class like 'text-transform: uppercase;' that is applied to the element.
The good thing with ABM is that most components allow an AddClass functionality, meaning you can create your own class and use InjectCSS, however you need to use !important in your css for whatever attribute to be overwritten for that element and yes, the 'YELLING' buttons are not my favourate but Im sticking to the guidelines. Good luck with your ABM experience, its a very enjoyable rabbit hole. #JustMyOpinion