B4J Question ABMaterial Image set ALIGN_RIGHT?

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User

Here my Problem:

You can see, that the image calls "New" on the left side of the cell is, is that possible to set it to right?
On "MyTheme" is not a "Image" view available :/

It does not look proportional.



Licensed User
Longtime User
Supply your BuildPage and ConnectPage code to see how you handled this.
Using themes for rows and cells, you can pad (Left, Top, Right, Bottom) or position (left, center, right) anything you want.


Often, I have rows with no theme (simple). Then I find in row 5, cell 2 I need to pad the top margin by 25px - but not all other cells.

    Dim inpactive As ABMCheckbox
    inpactive.Initialize(page, "empactive", "Active",  False, "")
    inp.Content.CellR(0,2).MarginTop = "25px"
'    inp.Content.CellR(0,2).UseTheme( " just an experiment - try a theme for this cell ")....
    inpactive.IsFilled = True

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