B4J Question [ABMaterial] Optimizations - gzip and inline ?


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Licensed User
Hi I've build my project in release mode which activated all optimizations (preload files, gzip, css inline, js inline, png optimize) and I have some questions:

1. Why isn't paper-collapse.min.css gzipped ? Is it because the minSizeKB parameter in ABM.ActivateGZip ?
2. Inline css refers to what ? only to the page specific css and js ? browser sends requests for materialize.min.css, font-awesone.min.css, etc...
3. Inline js referes only to page specific css and js ? browser sends requests for b4j_ws.min, core.min, etc...
4. Extra js or css files will be gzipped ?
5. Extra js or css files will be added in html if inline = true ?
5. I guess that ABM.ActivateGZip, creates the gzipped files, why not user the server GzipEnabled property ?


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Longtime User
1. could be. At a certain point unzipping becomes slower than sending it unzipped
2. the files generated next to the html are added inline to the html (all other static ones are not)
3. the same as 2
4. I should chech this. Not sure if it goes into the custom folder. If you place it in the root css/js folders then yes
5. no
6. I came accross it somewhere if you pre-zip it, it should be slightly faster. Maybe overkill from my part. GZipEnabled is used on the server part
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Active Member
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Thanks for the quick answer !

Regarding point 3 (inline js) ... the js file remains on disk while the css does not. It does not affect anything ... just wanted to let you know.

Regarding point 6 ... using GzipEnabled -> the server encdoes the files at runtime ... I will make more tests to see if it keeps a cache of what it gzipped or if it gzippes at every request. So using your provided method is better anyway ! Many thanks !
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