B4J Question [ABMaterial][SOLVED] Determining Device type.... discrepancies


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Hi gys...
Its me again... yeah, I know...

So.... trying to determining the device type is proving to be not as simple as using the "isPhone, isTablet, isDestop" calls...
Consider this code, that I borowed from @Harris....
    LogError("this is a desktop : " & pg.IsDesktop)
    LogError("this is a tablet : " & pg.IsTablet)
    LogError("this is a phone : " & pg.IsPhone)
    Log("So this is a " & pg.GetCurrentPageSize)
Just a bunch of logs, but aren't they usefull!!!
In my desktop, All is GOOD!
this is a desktop : true
this is a tablet : false
this is a phone : false
Waiting for value (101 ms)
So this is a desktop

BUT in my Samsung S20....
this is a desktop : true
this is a tablet : false
this is a phone : false
Waiting for value (101 ms)
So this is a phone

In the first case, both isDesktop and page.getCurrentPageSize agree that this is a Desktop... or a laptop in my case, But the second case, isDesktop still returns true, isPhone returns false, but the page.getCurrentPageSize correctly determines this to be a Phone!

@alwaysbusy once stated about this that....
The IsPhone/IsTablet/IsDesktop returns the device type. No matter what the screen size is, this will stay the same as the device doesn't change.
But these finding seem to contradict this.


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Do you run Page.CheckDevice(ws.UpgradeRequest) before the calls?

IsPhone, IsTablet and IsDesktop use the User-Agent to try to find out what device it is so that should be consistent. It basically analyses the user-agent for keywords if it is a phone or a tablet. If nothing is found, then it is a desktop. Maybe the S20 somehow fakes being another device?
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Do you run Page.CheckDevice(ws.UpgradeRequest) before the calls?

IsPhone, IsTablet and IsDesktop use the User-Agent to try to find out what device it is so that should be consistent. It basically analyses the user-agent for keywords if it is a phone or a tablet. If nothing is found, then it is a desktop. Maybe the S20 somehow fakes being another device?
Hi Alain, No I didnt do that call before the other calls... I will try that... How can I check if my phone is pretending to be a desktop?
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Dim device As String=ws.UpgradeRequest.GetHeader("User-Agent")
This is what I got:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; SAMSUNG SM-G980F) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/13.0 Chrome/83.0.4103.106 Mobile Safari/537.36
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Longtime User
Hummm, never even knew about that call...
Isphone, Istablet work fine on all my test devices.

I have also used this in the past to determine the same....

 Sub setScrnSize2(pg As ABMPage) as Int
'    Dim ret As Int = 2
'    Try
'    Dim NowWH As String = ABM.GetBrowserWidthHeight( pg) ' returns a string "width;height"
'    If NowWH <> "" And NowWH <> ";" Then ' check if we got something useful back
'        Dim split() As String = Regex.Split(";", NowWH) ' split the string
'        Dim NewH As Int = split(0)
'        Log(" width in PX: "&NewH)
'       If NewH < 600 Then ret = 0    ' phone
'        If NewH > 600 And NewH <= 992 Then ret = 1  ' tablet landscape
'        If NewH > 992 Then ret = 2 ' desktop
'    End If
'    Catch
'        Log(" screen setting failed!")
'    End Try   
'    Log(" screen width: " &ret)
'    ScrnSize = ret
'    Return ret

End Sub
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