Access Livewallpaper selection or Livewallpaper preview from a button


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guys, I have a question about live-wallpaper.

How can I access live-wallpaper selection screen and the wallpaper preview itself from a button click ? can you guys point me the direction ?

Basically I try to create a main activity which has a button that when I click the button it will go to live-wallpaper selection or my own wallpaper preview (which has set wallpaper and setting button)

really appreciated it if you guys has any input on this.


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You can show the live wallpaper picker with this intent"
Dim i As Intent
i.Initialize("android.intent.action.SET_WALLPAPER", "")
i.SetComponent("") 'consider removing this line as it might not work on all devices.

Hi Erel, thanks a lot for your solution, yes it is indeed work. I also found another solution to directly go to live wallpaper selection using this

Sub button1_click
Dim Intent1 As Intent
End Sub

Now for the next question, how can I set intent to directly preview my livewallpaper ? I use this

but it throw error and it said I cannot find my livewallpaper. How can I do this ?
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AFAIK it is not possible.

hmm, when i look at android doc for wallpaper manager

WallpaperManager | Android Developers

,there is this info function

public static final String ACTION_CHANGE_LIVE_WALLPAPER
Since: API Level 16

Directly launch live wallpaper preview, allowing the user to immediately confirm to switch to a specific live wallpaper. You must specify EXTRA_LIVE_WALLPAPER_COMPONENT with the ComponentName of a live wallpaper component that is to be shown.
Constant Value: "android.service.wallpaper.CHANGE_LIVE_WALLPAPER"

and this info function

public static final String EXTRA_LIVE_WALLPAPER_COMPONENT
Since: API Level 16

Extra in ACTION_CHANGE_LIVE_WALLPAPER that specifies the ComponentName of a live wallpaper that should be shown as a preview, for the user to confirm.
Constant Value: "android.service.wallpaper.extra.LIVE_WALLPAPER_COMPONENT"

Is this possible using this function ? by setting the extra component with the name of our livewallpaper and then set it into the intent. If this is possible, any idea how to implement this ?

Thanks before
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You are correct. However this is a new API which will only work with Android 4.1 or above. If this is relevant I can help you with building the intent.

Aaah I see. yes. the API level is 16 which is for jelly bean+, I believe most of android device has not updated to that version that much yet. I probably will not use this yet,

But I still curious about this Erel, could you show me how to build the intent ? just in case I might use something like this in the future ?

Many thanks Erel.
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Longtime User
Something like:
Dim i As Intent
i.Initialize("android.service.wallpaper.CHANGE_LIVE_WALLPAPER", "")
i.PutExtra("android.service.wallpaper.extra.LIVE_WALLPAPER_COMPONENT", "your.package/.youractivity")

Thanks Erel for the snippet.
I will try this at home. :sign0188:
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