Android Question Activity inside a panel?


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I'm making an app for a nexus 10 and just realized that if I could somehow just design an activity called AddProduct and just load it into a panel somehow I could just use that activity as a menu action and it would work pretty awesome without hassle. Just wanted to know if this was possible, i vaguely remember being able to load designer layouts into a panel or something like that.

In the winforms world i'd be adding a form that works independently to a panel inside another form, or as a context menu without borders.


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I´m not sure but i thik the answer is "NO, you cannot use an activity inside a panel.

BUT this should not stop you to use you one activity wisely :)

For example;
You can get a list of products in create (http with json-answer) and save the list (you got in JobDone) in a processglobal variable or you save the list to an sqlite-database or you use the list to build a scrollview or listview. The user then can select one of these products and click a save-button. A new http-job sends the new product to your server where you can put the product in a shoppingcart or whatever you want to do with it ;-)

For some things you dont need a new activity but for some you do need it...

Activities are the Android-Way of handling "Forms" like in Delphi/Windows. That i had to learn too ;-)
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Maybe you have a look at the "Floating Windows-Class" from Informatix... With this Class you can make a floating window with panels, buttons, listviews, editboxes, Scrollviews, whatever without leaving the active activity.

With this you can see your activity as "Desktopwindow" and over it you can show up as many floating windows as you like. You can "Call" them an add-product-activity but it is the same activity like before but with floating windows :D
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