B4J Question adding row to table converts date string to long


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I have a tableview with 9 columns and pass form values to an array of 9 objects as seen in the code below.

sdate is a string and dDate is a long for the tick value. The sDate for for a tablerow element to display a familiar date format (2015-01-01) but I am storing the dDate long value (ticks) in an mysql DB.

However, when I use this - tblCB.Items.Add(Arow) with arow(1) being an sdate (2015-01-01) it displays that element in my table is tick value! cant understand why?

The Log clearly show format as 2015-01-01 but in the table is shows the tick value

    Dim Arow(9) As Object
        Dim jo As JavaObject = dtpTransaction
        ' Get the value using the getValue() method
        Dim sDate As String = jo.RunMethod("getValue", Null)
        Dim dDate As Long = DateTime.DateParse(sDate)
        Arow(0) = "E"
        Arow(1) = sDate
        Arow(2) = cmbPurchases.Value
        Arow(3) = txtCostDesc.Text.ToUpperCase
        Arow(4) = Bank
        Arow(5) = "0"
        Arow(6) = Net
        Arow(7) = VAT
        Arow(8) = False
        Log("Expense " & Arow(1))
        Arow(1) = dDate
        'The '1' in the array after the "get" is the column number you want to justify (zero based)
        Dim jo As JavaObject = tblCB
        For i = 4 To 8
            jo.RunMethodJO("getColumns",Null).RunMethodJO("get",Array(i)).RunMethod("setStyle",Array("-fx-alignment: CENTER-RIGHT;"))


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You're assigning to Arow(1) sDate, which is a String. Then you're logging the value of of Arow(1) with Log("Expense " & Arow(1)). Then you're adding all of Arow to the TableView.Items List. Then you're assigning to Arow(1) dDate, which is a Long. This is why you get a Long showing up in your TableView.
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Thanks for the reply. But I am adding the row to the table while arow (1) = sdate as string

Following the flow of code, I am re assigning arow with dDate (as long) AFTER adding the tablerow

So why is the table row not adding the string value?
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How ODD! If I insert

msg.Show("Hello","") just to break the flow of code....between




Arow(1) = dDate

The table updates just fine! I dont quite get this problem!

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It seems the TableView reads the array values only on visually refresh, but you overwrite Arow(1) before.
If you show the messagebox it works because the message forces the refresh.
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