Having AddView return the View would be cool too. I also do this in my libraries so it is easy to grab it right at creation. It also allows for extended dot notation inline like:
Activity.AddView(MyView, 0, 0, Activity.Width, Activity.Height).Color= Colors.Black
AddView places a view in the viewgroup hierarchy (thus it becomes a "child" of the parent view). Why should it return anything else than the view position in the hierarchy? As Vader said, returning a view makes sense only when the view is unknown or not initialized before the function is called.
And even in the case where the function returns the position, I disagree with the idea for the following reasons:
1) the AddView function in Java does not return the index, so you have to call indexOfChild to know it. This method is slow because it goes down the children tree to find the given child. How many people need the result? Is it worth the call to a slow method? Isn't it better to call indexOfChild when you really need it (with the reflector lib)?
2) You add a slow method (AddView) to another slow method (indexOfChild). When you need to create quickly a large number of views, that turns to a snails race. If you ever tried to create a listview based on a scrollview, you probably know what I mean.
To ease the thing for beginners, I think that a good idea would be to add the following functions: getParent and indexOfChild. No?