iOS Question Admob - Adaptive banners


B4X founder
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1. If using local builder update to GoogleMobileAds v7.52:
Don't update GoogleAppMeasurement.framework for now.
The hosted builders were updated.

#if OBJC
- (NSArray *)GetAdaptiveSize:(float)width {
   GADAdSize g = GADCurrentOrientationAnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSizeWithWidth(width);
   CGSize s = g.size;
   return @[[NSValue valueWithBytes: &g
               objCType:@encode(GADAdSize)], @(s.width), @(s.height)];
#End If

'example of adding AdView in AppStart:
If Page1.RootPanel.Width = 0 Then
   Wait For Page1_Resize (Width As Float, Height As Float)
End If
Dim no As NativeObject = Me
Dim sizes As List = no.RunMethod("GetAdaptiveSize:", Array(Page1.RootPanel.Width))
ad.Initialize("ad", "ca-app-pub-1267570815929340/4744679717", Page1, sizes.Get(0))
Dim w As Float = sizes.Get(1) 'ignore
Dim h As Float = sizes.Get(2)
Page1.RootPanel.AddView(ad, 0, 0, Page1.RootPanel.Width, h)
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As per documentation:
The Google Mobile Ads SDK returns an optimized ad height for the given width in a GADAdSize.
Anchored banner height is never larger than 15% of the device's height and never smaller than 50 points.
height is variable from device to device, not fixed.

In this code height is fixed on 60 points
Page1.RootPanel.AddView(ad, 0, 0, Page1.RootPanel.Width, 60)
I didn't test this code, maybe I'm wrong but will not be good on iPad, and on devices where height will be 50 points.
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Framework is upgraded. I saw the message late. It seems that everything is working normally. Do I need to do something more?
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I'm using xCode 10.3. I have a lot of problems with xCode 11, and I have some emergency projects, so I'm using xCode 10.3.
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