AdMob and Leadbolt Ads


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Hello my friends,
I want to ask you something about above ads. Is it possible to have those two kinds of ads in one app? Because at tutorial for leadbolt says "tick" overwrite manifest and in AdMob tutorial says "untick".
I am trying to do this, leadbolt ads shows normal but in admob i got message ""You must have AdActivity declared in Android Manifest.xml with configChanges."
When i add that:
 <activity android:name=""
'End of AdMob
i get a compiling error:
AndroidManifest.xml:28: error: Error: String types not allowed (at 'configChanges' with value 'keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|uiMode|screenSize|smallestScreenSize').
I did an extended search about that problem, i want to ensure you that it's "unticked" and its NOT read only the manifest.xml file.
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