AHQuickAction library - Nice looking popup menus


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Thanks for the library.

Care to point me which XML file should be edit to change selected color in AHQuickAction3d, from Orange to red?


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Thanks for the library.

Care to point me which XML file should be edit to change selected color in AHQuickAction3d, from Orange to red?

I think it's the ahqa_slider_btn_pressed.9.png and ahqa_slider_btn_selected.9.png images in drawable-mdpi and drawable-hdpi folders.


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Dear friends,

before some months I have tried this library and it worked perfect. Now when I am trying the same program I get this message:

android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x0

and it is for the row:


Is it something with version of B4A?

Thank you
Best regards


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I guess your resource files were not longer read only and B4A deleted them on compile.

Be sure to make the resource files read only or use a separate directory for them and use the #AdditionalRes attribute.


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Thank you very much CORWIN42 - SOLVED
Best regards,


I always put this statement at the beginning of my main activity. Saved me a fair bit of grief in the past.
    ' Set the attribute of all files within the "res" folder as "Read-Only".
    #CustomBuildAction: 1, c:\windows\system32\attrib.exe, +r res\*.* /s


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An even better solution with the newes B4A versions is to put the resource files in a separate folder and use the #AdditionalRes attribute to reference them.


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Thank you very much for your detailed answer CORWIN42 and JOHNDB


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How do you link the pop up menu to the menu key?


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Hi, I have added a menu to an activity

Activity.AddMenuItem3("", "cmdOpenMenu", LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "menu25.png"), True)

On the cmdOpenMenu_Click method, I want to open the popup e.g. like

Sub cmdOpenMenu_Click
End Sub

but I get an error about [...view.view], anyone has an idea how to raise the popup from a menu button click?


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In this case the Sender is not a View object and can't be used as an anchor for the Popup. You can add a invisible View (Panel, Label etc.) to your layout at the position where you want to open the popup and use this as an anchor.


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Hello, I have found this library quite interesting.

I wonder if anybody knows some trick to close a AHPopupMenu via software.
I mean, after a menu has been shown with the Show(AnchorView) method, I would need a way to programmatically close it using some code inside a timer routine.

Thank you

Richard Goh

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set the sticky property of your action items to false


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set the sticky property of your action items to false

What I meant was I need a way to close the menu via software (in other word without tapping the finger on the screen )
I can only open the menu with Show() but something like Hide() does't exist.
Maybe the reflection library could help here but I would need some hint about it...


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Update: It appears the horizontal scroll is not working. Any solution for this? I looked into the xml and there is nothing I can do to correct it.
Hi ScanTech, did you find some solution to this problem?
I know that this library is deprecated.. but, It works very well for me!

Dave O

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I swapped out this library for StdActionBarHelper's PopupMenu some time ago, and I'm happy with the switch.

The latter has a Close method which looks like it will do what you want. Worth a try unless you have specific needs that StdActionBarHelper doesn't meet.
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