This library is deprecated. If you develop for Android 3.0 and above (API11) you should use PopupMenu object of the StdActionBarHelper library .
Development has stopped on this library.
This library provides three objects for some nice looking popup menus.
The AHQuickAction object is a popup window with horizontally aligned items. You can see this popup window in many apps like Tapatalk or Folder Organizer.
The AHQuickAction3D object is a popup that can be used horizontally and vertically. You can find a similar popup in many Google apps like 3D-Gallery and Text&Tables.
The AHPopupMenu is an ICS style menu.
This library is somewhat different to other libraries because it makes use of standard Android resource files. Resource files cannot be published inside a .jar file and so you have to copy them to your Basic4Android project directory.
Copy the whole "res" directory structure to the "Objects" directory of your B4A project and VERY IMPORTANT: make alle the files you have copied READ ONLY! Otherwise B4A will delete them when compiling. After you make any change to the Objecs/res directory use "Clean project" menu item in B4A to force the compiler to recreate the file.
If you forget to make the resource files read only then you will most likely get a ResourceNotFound exception when you try to use the popup objects.
The objects are ported from open source projects and you can find them here:
Installation instructions:
- Copy the .xml and .jar files to your custom libraries folder
- Copy the res directory to your projects "Objects" folder
- Make all files copied to the Objects/res folder read only
Version history:
- initial version
- Fixed positioning/sizing problem with AHQuickAction3D
- Improved positioning/sizing with AHQuickAction (many thanks to barx)
- Added ICS Style Menu (many thanks to thedesolatesoul)
- Added ItemCount property to get number of items
- Fixed positioning of QuickAction popup (sometimes didn't show above anchor)
Have fun with it
Development has stopped on this library.
This library provides three objects for some nice looking popup menus.
The AHQuickAction object is a popup window with horizontally aligned items. You can see this popup window in many apps like Tapatalk or Folder Organizer.
The AHQuickAction3D object is a popup that can be used horizontally and vertically. You can find a similar popup in many Google apps like 3D-Gallery and Text&Tables.
The AHPopupMenu is an ICS style menu.
This library is somewhat different to other libraries because it makes use of standard Android resource files. Resource files cannot be published inside a .jar file and so you have to copy them to your Basic4Android project directory.
Copy the whole "res" directory structure to the "Objects" directory of your B4A project and VERY IMPORTANT: make alle the files you have copied READ ONLY! Otherwise B4A will delete them when compiling. After you make any change to the Objecs/res directory use "Clean project" menu item in B4A to force the compiler to recreate the file.
If you forget to make the resource files read only then you will most likely get a ResourceNotFound exception when you try to use the popup objects.
The objects are ported from open source projects and you can find them here:
Installation instructions:
- Copy the .xml and .jar files to your custom libraries folder
- Copy the res directory to your projects "Objects" folder
- Make all files copied to the Objects/res folder read only
Version history:
- initial version
- Fixed positioning/sizing problem with AHQuickAction3D
- Improved positioning/sizing with AHQuickAction (many thanks to barx)
- Added ICS Style Menu (many thanks to thedesolatesoul)
- Added ItemCount property to get number of items
- Fixed positioning of QuickAction popup (sometimes didn't show above anchor)
Have fun with it
AHQuickAction1_01.zip74 KB · Views: 1,877
AHQuickActionExample1_01.zip68.8 KB · Views: 2,151
Screenshot_2012-10-25-12-54-50.jpg53.6 KB · Views: 3,615
Screenshot_2012-10-25-12-54-58.jpg57.6 KB · Views: 3,385
Screenshot_2012-10-25-12-55-03.jpg56.7 KB · Views: 3,101
AHQuickAction1_02.zip74.5 KB · Views: 2,226
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