AHQuickAction not working with my ScrollView


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I am trying to display the popup menu using the AHQuickAction library. (v1.01)


I am trying to make it when you tap on a label make it display the popup menu.

I am using the following code (which displays the popup menu)
Sub lblTest_Click
   Dim lbl As Label
   lbl = Sender
End Sub

however, it always displays the popup under the item I taped on.

As shown in the image below I taped on the last item in the list (Test 19) and the popup is displaying on top of the item I taped on and looks like I taped on Test 17.

is there a way to display the correct item I taped on ?


I have attached the code as a zip so you can see what I mean and you might be able to tell me what I am missing.

In the example code, run the app on your device and tap on the label on the left in the app. You will find that it always displays under the item you tap on, where if there is space above the item you tapped on it never displays there.

Hope someone can help me out.


  • wrong_item_selected.PNG
    39.6 KB · Views: 723
  • QuickAction_with_ScrollView.zip
    71.3 KB · Views: 474


Licensed User
Longtime User
Argh, the positioning of these quickactions make me mad.

Seems that it isn't working correctly. Thanks for reporting. I will have to look into it (may take some time).
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Thanks for looking into it for me.

This is basically the only thing holding me up with my app before I release it.
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