Airpush Library


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help please

Good night,

I am suffering the same situation as margarcan, and it takes me around 2 day, and i dont have any ad... yet.. any clue, please?

Thank you for your help

Best regards


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wait ...

I have to pay ssg $ 5, and not know how long it can be used airpush library.

:sign0161:I am of B4A new user, I'm not good at English.:sign0060:


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Sorry folks, I will not be making anymore Airpush libraries. It isn't worth the effort, I'm afraid.

For those who have paid, thank you for the support. And any major update from Airpush this year I will look into it and make the updated library for you.


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SendDroid Library

Hello all, i have been using SendDroid for push notification ads for quiet a while now, and i must say i'm very pleased with the revenue i'm generating, i did use airpush for a while but i did not get a revenue close to what i get with SendDroid, I'm not affiliated with SendDroid at all, i just thought i mentioned it since i've seen a lot of people using the AirPush library, I wrote a library to be used with basic4android for SendDroid, if anyone is interested in the library please let me know we can work something out.

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