All in one


New Member
The only factor that stops me from buying this application everytime I start a new project is that major drawback:

Whatever you try to do, you always end up being crippled in a way or another. You can't have normal tables like in other apps, you can't have a freakin' X button, you can't have a readonly textbox, you can't have press and hold...

It's the third time I cancel a project because there is a feature I expected to see that is not there or in an external library. In other words, there is no way to get a single file app, no matter how simple it is, even if there are many already released.

Why the heck can't I get my X button without the need of libs and stuff? And what's with those ugly tables? Oh and the landscape support, I mean... c'mon! There's no way I'm paying for something that can't yield anything better than made-to-be-freeware apps!

Just my two cents.


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Longtime User
a feature I expected to see that is not there or in an external library.
I don't see your problem with external libraries. They provide a way to incrementally enhance a programs' capability and most get compiled into the final app to provide a single file exe.

If your expectation of features is based on experience of device development then I would stick to whatever you have used that provides those features. If your comment is not based on experience then it is an expression of hope and expectation and is not fair grounds for criticism.

Just my two cents.

Gianni M

Well-Known Member
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Hi Erel,
can you post a code of example ?

what it means "Just my two cents." ?

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Licensed User
Longtime User
"my two cents" is a figure of speach, and is used largely around the world....
I think it started with the fammous Marrilion song "Lavander" were it features the frase..." a penny for your thoughts..."...
It is used to say, "this is just my humble opinion" in...IMHO....:sign0161::sign0137::sign0188:


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This is the code (also attached):
Sub App_Start
    mnu.AddItem("Item 1")
    mnu.AddItem("Item 2")
End Sub

Sub TextBox1_GotFocus
End Sub

Sub Button1_Click
    flb.MinimizeBox = Not(flb.MinimizeBox)
End Sub


  • 1.sbp
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Gianni M

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Oops, :signOops:
my doubt is about textbox
Sub TextBox1_GotFocus
End Sub
this trick is very ingenious :sign0060:


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I was being a bit, "pedantic" trying to get some laughts from it......:sign0161:
Oh well....:sign0188:


Active Member
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Well my opinion of B4P changed!

I used a "not so legal" version of B4P and decided to buy it after I found out it is way cheaper than I tought.

The other program I was talking about is Handheld Basic. It is for PalmOS but it's very similar. Honestly B4P can barely be compared to it BUT it's 200$ cheaper than the most limited HB version.

To make for my unsolicited rant, I'll post my apps here as soon as the Paypal payment goes through and I get my registration number. I'm an open source supporter so you'll hear about me quite often here ;)

Now here's some real suggestions for B4PPC:
-Better icon selector (something that would allow you to see your selected icons in different sizes, since windows doesn't do it)
-Maybe an icon maker or something that could smash a few bitmaps together in an icon file
-Better way to scroll through help files on the mobile version
-Better support for different resolutions (especially anchors)!

I love it!
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Well my opinion of B4P changed!

I used a "not so legal" version of B4P and decided to buy it after I found out it is way cheaper than I tought.
SHAME ON YOU.....and on me too....
I have also used a non-legal version of B4P before byuing it...
But the price along with the support, surely beats the competition...
Now here's some real suggestions for B4PPC:
-Better icon selector (something that would allow you to see your selected icons in different sizes, since windows doesn't do it)
-Maybe an icon maker or something that could smash a few bitmaps together in an icon file[/quote]
One of our forums competitions, was an icon editor for the device, won by Klaus....
I only wish we could use 64x64 trucollor icon for the vga resolution....
-Better way to scroll through help files on the mobile version
Any good chm reader will be able to handle the b4p helpfiles in a very practical way...
-Better support for different resolutions (especially anchors)!
One year ago we could only wish for VGA resolucion to work in B4p, but EREL came trough...
Anchors can be accessed by the door library....

I'm not trying to put down your sugestions, but most are already doable with only a small extra effort...


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Here's another one:
-Ability to test multiple resolutions

I want to make my app compatible with VGA, QVGA and SQVGA but since I only have a QVGA device it's pretty hard. I use Form.Width a lot but I can make errors or forget controls and end up with a messed up UI