This is fantastic news indeed! A basic layout editor is just what the doctor ordered..
Erel, I think this is probably the wrong place to ask, but will you also be addressing libraries in the IDE? a way to have the IDE automatically check for updates to libraries installed on our machines?
Even if the IDE were to connect to and download a super zip of all the available most up to date libraries, and then give us an interface to see what we have vs. what is available.. or something along those lines..
Also, and I know this is going to come across as a bit nit picky.. but.. when I'm editing in the IDE, I get a LOT of extra whitespace appended to my lines of code, perhaps there is a way to actively keep the code clean when editing.. Maybe have the IDE strip the line of any excess whitespace (tabs or " ") characters on the right side of the line.. this only really becomes problematic on lines that HAVE code, whereas, if the line contains just tabs or whitespace, then it should be left alone, for formatting reasons..
I could type a line say:
Dim Label1 as Label TAB-> TAB->
Could it just strip those extra tabs or spaces off the end? It's not like the user is putting them there too in some cases, it's picking the tabs up BECAUSE it's following proper indentation formatting.. it really slows down my code editing routine.. if I end up moving and editing code, I usually spend a good little while eliminating those extra spaces and tabs..

... sorry.. perhaps nitpicky.. or maybe another user on the forum here can suggest a fix.. I do see an option in the menu to Clean Project files, etc.. So even a Clean Code (Remove Extra Whitespace) option would be welcome.. I'm up for pressing a key to clean it all if the IDE engine can't be made to do it...