an issue on icon


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How to change the background of app icon?
For example, the icon of B4A bridge has a blue background, while the icon of B4A designer has a silver background. And some app icons on my mobile phone has no background at all.


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Dreamworld, I guess you're using Samsung phone? It creates background color automati ally so I don't think it's an issue.
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Not Samsung phone. The foloowing is the screenshot of my device. You can see that the background of B$ADesigner is silver, and the background of B$ABridge is light blue, and the icon of Opera has not background.
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What is launcher? Do you mean that there are more than one launcher in a device? Or each app has its own launcher? If a device has only one launcher, the backgrounds of icons on my device should be the same. You can see that they are different.
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@Erel, I don't believe that's where the confusion here lies. I believe he doesn't know what a launcher is.

@dreamworld, when you press your "home" button, you actually launch a pre-designated app (it's a full app, and can be replaced very easily - if you wanted to, you could even write a B4A launcher). This app is called a "launcher", and what it does is display your homescreen (however it wants to, the most typical way being a 4x4 or 4x5 grid of icons, a dock, and then an app drawer) and icons. Some launchers modify the icons to fit a certain theme or style, and the one you're using, which was probably preinstalled with your phone, does this. It's important to note that the icon itself is not changed, but only how it's displayed for you is. This is the behavior of a third party app and cannot be changed. I suggest you download an alternative launcher and see how that works for you. Try this one:
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Thank you for your replies. But I still can't understand why the launcher of my device adds different backgrounds for different apps. According to your explanation, they should have the same background, either blue or silver, because they were created by the same launcher. However, they have different backgrounds. So I guess if some setting of an app tells a launcher how to add background. I don't think that people can tolerate each app creating different launcher on their devices.
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If we can not control the background of our app's icon, the icon will look ugly on some devices that use different launchers, leaving a poor impression to users. And that is a disaster to our hard works.
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