Most analog outputs for Arduino and ESP32 are digital outputs pulsed by pwm.
ESP32 has 2 real 8 bit analog outputs providing analog voltage levels.
Function calls for Arduino IDE does not seem to differ between true analog and pwm.
In B4R my code for ESP32 does not run. Output stays low all the time:
What´s going wrong?
ESP32 has 2 real 8 bit analog outputs providing analog voltage levels.
Function calls for Arduino IDE does not seem to differ between true analog and pwm.
In B4R my code for ESP32 does not run. Output stays low all the time:
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Private astream As AsyncStreams
Private pinG25analog As Pin
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
Serial1.Initialize(115200) ' (256000)
astream.Initialize(Serial1.Stream, "Astream_NewData", "Astream_Error")
pinG25analog.Initialize(25, pinG25analog.MODE_OUTPUT)
'pinG26analog.Initialize(26, pinG26analog.MODE_OUTPUT)
pinG25analog.AnalogWrite(250) ' 3.2V
pinG25analog.AnalogWrite(120) ' 1.5V
pinG25analog.AnalogWrite(50) ' 0.6V
End Sub
What´s going wrong?
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