Android Question Anchoring issues with custom listview


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Hi all,

I use fully anchored layouts which I load in a custom listview but anchoring does not work.

I have a layout with a back panel which anchors to the activity. On the panel are views which anchor to the panel. When I load this in a custom listview all views are gone out of sight. When I disable anchoring on the back panel and do .width=100%x it works but them my anchoring of views is lost.

Any fixes/suggestions for this?


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Hereby the sample. Probably the issue is the newPanel declaration? I'm creating a new panel and that one is added to the listview with a layout called frmTest.

Is there another way to do it?


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B4X founder
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Check the logs (in debug mode):


Note that it is a mistake to use 300 instead of 300dip as the item height.
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Right, thanks. Dip is a typo, I normally do that.

One additional question. I have this panel behind the button which is set to left 5 and right edge distance 5. However, on my phones right edge distance 5 is smaller compared to left 5. Is that correct? Basically the panel does not center on screen.
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