Android emulator for app testing


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Hi Jim thank you for the answer but FTP lib in B4A doesn't seem to work. Even though network and Internet work my application cannot connect to my FTP site which I get some live parameters from.

Is there any tweaks or configuration parameters?


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Hi Erel,

I tried that didn't help. The thing is "DownloadCompleted" event never gets called.
I have real device connected to the same network and it works fine. But the VM doesn't.

PS : Now chit chat became a technical issue :)


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Hi realblue,

I think it's just that if you post this question in the questions forum, many more people with experience of the ftp lib will get to see it so you're more likely to find your answer.

I don't think so many visit the chit-chat forum, perhaps they're too busy working on the next cool app :)


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Hi IanMc and Erel,

Actually I don't have any problem with FTP lib. The only thing is my program doesn't download anything under GenyMotin VM.
Should I create a new thread regarding GenyMotion VM that is not downloading file from ftp site?


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Longtime User
Yes exactly what I think it is. That's why I asked if GenyMotion was compatible with B4A.


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Yes exactly what I think it is. That's why I asked if GenyMotion was compatible with B4A.
I use it with B4A, no problems, it just flies - the fastest Android emulator I've ever tried. The old name was AndroVM i think.
It acts like a real device, you can even install apps from GooglePlay.