Android Question Android File Permissions using android:targetSdkVersion="30"


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I am posting this question just for a clarification. I know that this issue has been addressed ad nauseum. I read somewhere that using the value 30 for SDK version will not allow an app to access the phone's Download folder for read unless the app was downloaded from Google Playstore. Is this true? I can access the directory if I change from 30 to 28. My app for the foreseeable future will not be on Playstore. It looks as if I will need to use SMB to read in a file from my PC. I hope I will be able to do this without jumping through Android permissions.


B4X founder
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I read somewhere that using the value 30 for SDK version will not allow an app to access the phone's Download folder for read unless the app was downloaded from Google Playstore. Is this true?
No, it wasn't be accessible. It doesn't matter whether the app was downloaded from the store or not.
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SDK 28 will be fine, If for non Play Store use and you want to target SDK 30 then you can use this
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