Android Tutorial Android Sip / Voip tutorial


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Julien Brunelle

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I think you need to fix your object lib loader... like are you still trying to run 2.6 objects in api 15-24 area.... see api 2.6 has small lib object..... sip works off tcipi like mail.... all your new androids wont work you sill load old object as 15 or 24 api.... load in the android.jar 15 in eclipse dig into it and you will see..... its not just 2 class that make it work in new android apps..... you have like 6 class that work in conjunction of each other...... you need ways to connect and load the correct object model API

see what I need to learn is how to wrap a android jar class api at 15 and up old phones are almost gone now...

web hosting CEO Julien@

Julien Brunelle

Licensed User
your sip library will not work.... it works off a socket lib...old phone did it all probably new phones wont.... API versions.. the socket never it fails

I was trying to set it up.... I've just started in B4A......
the android.jar exposes 100% of the lower API object libraries
in VB I would call that a dill file or OS API.....
I should be able to wrap the library in eclipse somehow then expose it to B4A
I did make your temperature sample work from eclipse....
but I'm not sure on how to wrap a low level library properly....more time for me...
please you need better samples....with a proper index off your website toolbar....
one thing you should do is have the ability to create ActiveX controls this way...
like I could create a library control in eclipse an it shows up as an insert control......
just like a button.... or as a hidden data binding control....
user drags the new control on the form and bingo....ActiveX library base on an android.jar api version

B4A should create a control library folder and then retrieve the control folder....
now I just dump the new ActiveX control in the folder...
data grid and data binding text box..... your the container let the developers expand its reusability via AxtiveX
now you can offer features that can expand returns for my control page...version 2-17-20-24//// version 2.6 is still good I believe its used in phone watches small foot print

you just need good samples to show how this can be done or it wont expand as your container control feature

web hosting CEO Julien@
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Julien Brunelle

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yep I did with API 15 I said its the socket its not starting up.... if you use eclipse and scan android.jar package you will see its more then just 2 class libraries that need to work conjunction with each other......

see your dealing with API levels have 2 libs only..... not sure how you even got it to work... it could be because you used an active phone that had the socket opened your 2 libs jump on the tcpi listener.....yet sip is like mail headers...

best way to get it going is to use a none phone android... like a tablet

you can also build one from scratch in b4a or b4j

web hosting CEO Julien@
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Julien Brunelle

Licensed User
Please post the exact error message from the logs.

it wont give you an error..... its from your test samples.... connection not available basicly... so the socket never started.... simple deductions....
your dealing with TCPIP socket ... it why you see the listener object

like its not made for video... yet it can do more then one call at a time its a socket .. its why it works in some phones and not in the other.... the android has an active listener open.. like i said i just started in b4x.....

its why i would like to see better libs wraps from eclipse and understand your core.jar work...... if i understood this then i could make the sip work....

make a simple sample that wraps a simple lib out the android.jar like a button lib... remember there's reason why we have api versions... its only backward compatible for so many versions.... its why you need a good reference library to cross check with...
understand a button lib is not complex as the sip package

web hosting CEO Julien@

Julien Brunelle

Licensed User
I'm sorry but I don't see how I can help you.

To avoid confusion for other readers, this library is supported by Android 2.3+.

So what your saying is point the B4A project to android.jar version 2.3 and grant support up API 15 will make the phone app work...... because older version are not like the new ones....

this way other readers wont get confused right....

web hosting CEO Julien@


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I have a problem. After I give the logon details the SIP_Registering sub and the others (SIP_RegistrationFailed or SIP_RegistrationDone) isn't called. Nothing happens. I have tried with other SIP applications too and I can login without any problem.

Julien Brunelle

Licensed User
This question was pointed to @jefflynn1974 .
my question was directed at you...... fix your sample..... i pick up your software because of this sample..... and it wont work

like did you setup the Manifest permissions and feature requests: its your sample.....

<!-- Permissions -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_SIP" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<!-- ...and features -->
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.sip.voip" android:required="true" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.wifi" android:required="true" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.microphone" android:required="true" />

i moved on to different way... its your wrap class that wont work....

web hosting CEO Julien@
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