Hello martin! thanks for your reply
yes i do,i use it! and its a very good library
but it's better i explain why i'm looking for another one:
in my app,i download 20 small images (about 50kb each) to show them imageviews or in a coverflow.
with httputils/httputils2/imagedownloader :
with the good example of erel in flickrview wich use httputils/httputils2/imagedownloader... downloading is done very fastly
but i get errors with few images,randomly but it happen always with the same ones. the error occurs only when i try to load them in an imageview. (i dont know if files are corrupted while downloading!)
and i always wait for the the job success before using the images but...
i love picasso,it never happen any errors,simple to use,...
but the weakness of this lib to me is the speed! i say "to me" because maybe i use it in a wrong way!
anyway,this lib needs between 25s and 1min to do the job instead httputils/httputils2/imagedownloader wich need less than 5s
i try to catch the error but it looks too deep for me to catch it to program an action in the case of error.
look at this capture,i get always "error loading bitmap" and always fine with picasso with these same images
so android-universal-image-loader lib looks to be a very good one.
thank you and thanks to anybody who can help