is up for sale because I'm so poor :(


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I wouldn't sell it if I didn't have to but unfortunately this and a bunch of my other domains are up for sale.

Hard times.

I'll be getting an auction going for it.

Wish me luck :)



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I'm keeping it :)

Heee!!! it'll be worth millions.
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scuse my expletive, we're all adults here right?

or kids with imaginations


Well-Known Member
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Oops, sorry for my expletive, also I knocked that 'test' website up during an evening of many beers and forgot that I'd put swear words on it.

I did fix it as soon as I realised.

I must remember that people of all ages read this forum and we want to encourage youngsters to get into Android programming.

I will try not to do that in future and it's good that we have you Erel as a safety net.