Android Question Another Date Picker 2.0 failing to load in B4A 8.5

Juzer Hussain

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Longtime User

In one of my activities Another Date Picker shows runtime error Null object reference.... on loading in AfterLoadLayout event at
If Props.Get("CancelVisible") = False And Props.Get("TodayVisible") = False Then p.Height = p.Height - 40dip
One of the values returned in Props is null. This used to work fine in previous version 5.0

I guess CallSubDelayed2(Me, "AfterLoadLayout", props) in DesignerCreateView has some issue.

Please provide some clue.


Juzer Hussain

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Hi Erel,

I replaced ADP to the XUI one xAnotherDatePicker Ver 1.03.
It shows error
"java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassCastException: libcore.reflect.ParameterizedTypeImpl cannot be cast to java.lang.Class" at line
I have added XUI library and datepicker.bal.

Have no clue.
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Juzer Hussain

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Longtime User
Hi Erel,

I could resume today only.
I am using ADP v2.00 with targetSdkVersion=26 and minSdkVersion=5
I had to replace the old ADP from designer, its working fine now.

Thanks a lot, Hope there is not much to be changed(apart from RuntimePermissions) to make it compatible with B4A 8.5

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