Anyone else tired of cancel culture?

Mark Turney

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Hard to be motivated to produce anything for public distribution, when all the major tech-giant platforms are skewed so far left. To me, even building or expanding a YouTube channel wouldn’t be worth it, for fear that one is only a stray conservative word or thought away from losing access ... like building a mansion on property you don’t own.

Anyway, just venting .... happy to be mostly retired. I would be not be happy working in the current corporate climate.

Best wishes everyone!


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yoh Mark - drift the mind on that couch and back to the 60/70's that's when i ditched the social rules and sank under the radar. in this country the cancel culture meant something else. now i just cancel them. no twitface. etc etc. only B4x with forum > a major tech giant platform.
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Mark Turney

Active Member
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yoh Mark - drift the mind on that couch and back to the 60/70's that's when i ditched the social rules and sank under the radar. in this country the cancel culture meant something else. now i just cancel them. no twitface. etc etc. only B4x with forum > a major tech giant platform.
Thank heaven for B4x, @Erel, and this community. This forum is my only “social media” now. I recently even closed my DPReview account, as they are owned by Amazon have thus become a mainstream echo-chamber. I long ago got rid of Fakebook and ALL others.


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One of the reasons that this forum is a friendly and positive island is that it focuses on one thing: programming with B4X.
Lets keep it like this. Nothing good will come out of this discussion.
Solving the age-old problem of the cancellation of culture I am adopting this method:
all is well restored ;)

Mark Turney

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Good evening everyone. I want to ask forgiveness for my slight rant above. Words are powerful, and so even if one doesn’t intend to offend, oftentimes a stray word or misplaced thought relayed impulsively can indeed have unintended consequences.

I already miss this group, and certainly don’t want silly politics to worm its way into what is normally a very objective and productive realm.


Licensed User
It's kinda ironic that the phenomenon that you speak of makes it impossible to speak of it. ?

I agree that distracting topics are best left bantered about on other sites, leaving this site focused and effective. ?


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No offense taken - by me anyway - I thought this was CHIT CHAT - #1 was barely a rant and there have been more "warm" one's appeared.

In fact, I read #4 and #5 as being somewhat satirical with an element of dark humour. . . ...